Chapter Five

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"I'm not crazy i'm telling you someone's been here!"

Brian stood with his hands in his pockets, watching you nervously explore your apartment. Tim and Toby walked after you as you darted around like a pinball machine. "A-are you sure?" Toby questioned. You were examining your jewelry, all of which was obviously fake. Brian watched you palm through all of it, as if you were mentally preparing for the worst. No one would steal your shitty jewelry. "Yes i'm sure. There's no doubt about it," You said. Rushing out of the room you turned to the bathroom. You rummaged through your bathroom closet, as well as your medicine cabinet.

"Well did they take anything?" Tim asked. The three men were observing you quietly, trying to ensure they didn't pinch a nerve. Brian didn't think you'd realize your panties were missing. After rummaging through your drawers he knew you had more than enough pairs. But as he watched your face turn beet red, he realized he might've been wrong. "Yes, they did," You answered in a stale tone. The men exchanged glances, watching as you anxiously leaned against the bathroom sink. You were gripping it like your life depended on it. "Well, what did they take?" Brian asked. He had to fight back a mocking tone. He didn't always agree with Hoodie's approach, but he had to admit he wasn't fond of you either.

You were visibly flustered, the heat visible across your cheeks. Toby placed a caring hand on your shoulder. "Hey it's o-okay. You can t-t-tell us. We just wanna help," Toby said. You placed your hand on top of his, your gaze staying glued to the sink. You couldn't meet their eyes, embarrassment flooding over you.

"They took my panties."

A pregnant pause hung through out the small bathroom, your eyes screwing shut in embarrassment. Brian's eyebrows raised at your confession. Huh. Observant and honest, even when embarrassed. You brushed past them, darting into your bedroom. Shoving open your closet doors you grabbed onto your suitcase. "Woah woah woah what are you doing?" Toby exclaimed, hot on your heels. You began grabbing armfuls of clothes, yanking them off of the hangers. "Something is wrong, I can't stay here," You huffed. You admittedly, looked very scattered brained. You chose to leave out the weird shit you had been seeing. You sounded crazy enough.

Tim stepped in front of you, preventing you from shoving anymore clothes inside of your suitcase. "Don't be ridiculous I think you're just becoming paranoid. Why do you think your panties were stolen anyway?" Brian questioned harshly. You shot him a dirty look, Tim's large hands gently placing themselves on your upper arms to prevent you from moving. "They're red and lacey. It happens to be the only thong I own. I wore it to work yesterday and left it on the bathroom floor," You spat. Toby awkwardly turned away, trying his hardest to not visibly appear flustered. Tim cleared his throat, looking down at you.

"I don't think running away is the right thing to do. This is your home," Tim told you. His mind spun in a circle with ideas, many of which included you going back to their temporary apartment. Which, wouldn't have been such a bad plan if it wasn't utterly filthy and trashed. Masky and Hoodie were not kind to the buildings they stayed in. "Why don't we uh, stay with you?" Tim offered. Toby poked his head over Tim's shoulder. "We will?" He asked excitedly. Brian shuffled awkwardly over to the three of you, standing behind you. "We will?" He deadpanned.

Tim shot him a warning look. "Yeah, we'll take turns," He said firmly. Brian took issue with this for many reasons. Putting aside his distaste for you, he needed to investigate Nova more. From the moment Toby mentioned the vanilla folder, Brian knew something was wrong. Even after he waited for the younger proxy to relay the information he obtained from observing Nova. She was on the Winston case, but Toby claimed to not see the vanilla folder anywhere after he had dropped you off. It was nipping at Brian's mind, his annoyance growing larger when he couldn't locate it in your apartment.

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