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Hello everyone! This is my first fanfiction that I will be publicly posting, apologies if there is anything that you dont like about it.

Before I start, I'd like to put a list of characters up that I plan to be in the story, and whichever characters you like the most, I'll try to feature towards the beginning of the story. I am a very slow writer, so apologies if uploads are few and far between.

List of Characters I plan on including (feel free to suggest more!)

-Jason Voorhees

-Michael Myers

-Norman Bates


-Bubba Sawyer (twins)

-Thomas Hewitt (twins)

-Nubbins Sawyer

-Chop Top Sawyer

-Hannibal Lecter


-Ghostface (Stu)

-Ghostface (Billy)

-Ghostface (Danny)

-Freddy Krueger



-Jack Torrance

-Harry Warden



-Vincent Sinclair

-Bo Sinclair

-Lester Sinclair

-Leslie Vernon

-Mick Taylor

-Billy Lenz (Black Christmas)

-The Strangers

-Carrie White

-Art the Clown

-Farmer Vincent

-Irving Wallace


-Cesare the Somnambulist

-Mark Lewis (from peeping Tom)

-The Man (Hush)

-Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)

-George Fraser (The Prowler)

-Mr. Slausen (Tourist Trap)

-Eric Nelson (Thanksgiving)

Again, feel free to suggest others! Depending on how much feedback I get, the first chapter will likely be up by next week =)

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