Chapter 1

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A key before we start =D

Y/N = Your Name

F/P= Favorite pastry

F/D = favorite drink

Enjoy! (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥


You sigh and look down the road at the neighborhood you just moved into. It's a calm little suburbia, with only a few neighbors that seem to clutch their pearls and peek through the blinds as you move your belongings into your new home..

The leaves from the trees crunch beneath your feet as you haul massive loads of boxes into the empty house. It's a two story house, three bed and two bath. It's a bit big and lonely for one person, but you would make do. 

Wiping the sweat from your brow you head outside. The house feels...oddly lived in. Sure, all new houses had an odd, unfamiliar feeling, but this one felt like it was still occupied.

...Hopefully the attic had been sealed off by now.

With the last box securely inside, you hear the sputter of a dying engine as the moving man swiftly careens down the hill, leaving your sight.

This was it. You were finally here.

You rub your hands together and pull out your phone— sure there were boxes upon boxes upon boxes to unpack...but who would ever want to do that when you could explore your new hometown?

The town is home to many small mom and pop shops, a desolate mall, an expansive library, a quiet high school, and a gas station. Fairly bare bones. Either way, you want to get out and explore.

As you walk through the suburbia, you feel the prying eyes of the other people around you staring from within their homes. It's an uncomfortable feeling being watched, so you speed up.

You reach the town square after a fairly short walk, and as on edge you are due to the fact you just got stared at, you have to admit it's quite quaint.

The shops are set up in a long circle, with a multitude of them ranging from bakeries to pawn shops to a candle store. You decide on the bakery closest to you, and enter quietly.

The shop is mostly empty, save for the young woman behind the desk.

She is short and blonde, her hair looking almost white in the lighting. Her face is covered in acne, and she stares up with dark eyes, shifting on her feet behind the register.

"...Uhm— hello. What would you like to order today...?" She asks, fidgeting with a small necklace around her neck as she glances at the register. The name tag on her uniform reads 'Carrie'.

You smile, noticing her brown eyes avoiding your own. "I guess I'll go with..." You glance at the menu once more. "...A (f/p) and (f/d)."

She nods and goes to grab your food, bringing it to you. "That will be...5 dollars, please...— oh, and what was the name for the drink?"

"Y/N." You say with a smile, taking the pastry and handing five dollars.

"Y/N is a nice name..." The girl whispers under her breath, before sheepishly rubbing her neck, "It should be out in a minute..."

You make your way over to a seat next to a window and decide to people watch and eat your (f/p). The streets are simultaneously full, but feel empty, As you watch the passersby, you feel that same odd feeling of being watched that you did when you were in your house. Even when you look around, no one is staring at you. It's just you and Carrie, making your (f/d).

You shudder slightly but continue to look out the window. On the corner of the street is a businessman standing on the corner and checking his watch. Something about him is off putting.

On the opposite side of the circle, by the school two teenage boys are sitting and seems to be staring directly at you.

You feel an odd, intense feeling of fear and look away. Perfect timing. Carrie has finished your drink.

"Y/N!" She calls your name, when you approach she blinks, "...Here you go." Carrie sets the drink down and flashes a small, awkward smile.

"Thank you!" You chirp, taking the cup of (f/d) in your hands.

You head towards the exit, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. You feel like everyone in the square is watching you. You swallow the feeling, blaming it on paranoia.

You should always trust your gut instinct however.

As you pass the businessman on the corner of street, you can feel his eyes following your every movement. You feel like a hare being stalked by a coyote, or a small bacterial organism under a microscope.

You run across the street, heart pounding. You see the eyes of people peering at you from all around.

When you finally get to your neighborhood, the feeling persists. It's a god awful feeling being watched. You race down the streets, glancing around and noticing all the eyes staring in from the blinds. You make it inside your house and slam the door, locking it with a click.

Finally making it home feels...relieving. Even though you're paranoid, the feeling seems gone for now as you toss your keys onto the coffee table and set down your half eaten (f/p).

You look around your empty living room. It's large, but you can make it work. It just needs some paint and some furniture. You should be able to make it feel less lonely easy peasy. 

You run up into your room, opening boxes and setting up your room as the sun begins to set. You continue to unpack late into the night. However, the dawn is your enemy, as you notice light beginning to seep in from the blinds.

Oh's morning already...?

Thank god for the two day period the company gave you for you to get settled in. You'd be so overwhelmingly screwed, otherwise. Tomorrow is going to be a long, long, and rather unfortunate day of unpacking.

You let out a long breath and drag yourself into bed, hiding under the covers as you let yourself slowly drift off.

Not even noticing the eye staring right at you through the hole in the ceiling.



I'm so happy i got this done!! Sorry its so short tho (╥︣﹏᷅╥᷅)

Can u guess who the eye is :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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