The Party

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Dereks POV

I was worried that Kate had put a strain on our relationship so early.But Stiles didn't seen to care not one bit about her,all he said was buy him some curly fries and he would be ok.After first period I had to leave stiles to go to class.I left with one last kiss and walked to class.I sat down in a seat in the back of the room.Thats when the she devil Kate waked in the room and sat right next to me


All through class Kate was trying to get my attention.Half way through class I finally gave in to her game.All she did was pass me I note that said MINE

Stiles POV

I might gave been acting all cool and collected around Derek but I was furious and scared on the inside.I mean Kate might be a bitch but she was an attractive bitch and I was just regular Stiles.I was afraid that he would leave me for her but I didn't want to think like that.When the final bell rang I texted Derek.

Stiles:Im going to go to my dorm and get ready.I will meet you there.

Derek:Ok see you there babe bye.

Derek POV

I got to the party before Stiles and went to the kitchen to get something to drink.I saw a bowl full of what I could only think was alcohol.I really needed a drink if I was going to deal with Kate the whole night.

5 cups later

I was way past tipsy but not drunk yet.Stiles is still not here.I was walking around the house when I cane face the face with Kate.

"What do you want."I said.She said nothing but placed her hand over my chest.I felt my heart speed up I always had a soft spot for her.She leaned in close to my face when I felt her lips directly on my I couldn't help but kiss her back.


Stiles POV

I was running late for the party because I had to wait for Scott.I walked up the stairs and walked in the house and I saw Derek kissing Kate.I felt warm tears roll down my face.I knew this was going to happen someone like him would never want someone like me.He looked up at me surprised.I ran out the house when he tried to walk to me.I ignored him when he called my name.I got in my car and drove off.I couldn't even see the rode!

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