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(Hey guys this is my 3rd story I'm making and yes i still need to finish my first 2 lol and the drawing of Stacy in the cover is mine but the pic of Alazia is not. I'm writing this story in a notebook everyday till I'm done with is Story so ik what is going on, and what I'm going to write next)

Anyways this story is about my HH character: Stacy, and female Alastor: Alazia. I'm not sure how this story will go but i will make sure to worn you all about it. Now on with what I was going to say.

Characters: Stacy, Alazia, Lucifer, Alastor, Husk, Niffty, Angel, Charlie, Vaggie, Rosie, Steve, Michelle, CCA(Cursed cat alastor), and CCL(Cursed cat lucifer.) Maybe more not sure

Main Characters: Stacy and Alazia

Side Characters: Lucifer, Alastor, Husk, Niffty, Angel, Charlie, Vaggie, Sir. Pentious, Rosie, Steve, Michelle, CCA, and CCL.

Ages of characters:

18-20: Steve, Michelle, Stacy, and Alazia

21-30: Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, Angel, and Niffty

31 and up: CCA, CCL, Alastor, Lucifer, amd Rosie

I'll being different peoples povs and I'll be doing 3rd person povs as well. 

CCA=Cursed Cat Alastor and CCL= Cursed Cat Lucifer

I might make some changes who knows.

BTW I also take request, so if you have a request please go ahead and ask i wont mind at all.

Stacy and AlaziaWhere stories live. Discover now