12; A Sinner's Love

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Sheathing my saber and grabbing the merchant by his arms, dragging him off the road and into the cover of the forest. Willow trotted beside me, her ears perked and eyes alert for any potential threats.

The journey back to the temple was horrible, the merchant's weight a huge burden. As I pulled him through the dense underbrush and over uneven terrain, the distant silhouette of the temple finally came into view, standing against the twilight.

As we arrived at the entrance to the ancient structure I let go of the limp body, crumbling stairs. Gasping got breath, I lay against the stones. The cooling air was nice but the ever present mist clung to my skin. Thank Jashin I wasn't in my old jumpsuit, I probably would've just died of uncomfort. 

Sighing, I got up and hauled the merchant inside. The silence within the temple was peaceful, broken only by the sound of the merchant’s body against the floor and the soft padding of Willow's paws.

I dragged the body into the central chamber, where the biggest altar bearing Jashin's symbol stood. I tugged him up into the altar, his unconscious form a huge pain to move.

As I knelt in front the alter to pray, I felt the familiar burning that signified my Lord's chakra spreading further. Jashin's presence coursed throughout my body. 

I used Kurama's bubbling chakra to awaken my sacrifice. I wanted to see his expression as I sacrificed him to My Lord. 

The merchant screamed at the sight of me. I couldn't tell if was because of what Jashin's transformation did to my skin, or just how much of an ugly monster I was. 

Regardless, I was too quick for the man to physically react. My scary, grotesque looks were obviously keeping the man in a shocked trance. 

"Lord Jashin," I announced, raising the saber high above my head, "accept this offering as a token of my devotion"

With a swift motion, I brought the blade down, splattering the altar with the merchant's blood. The crimson liquid pooled around the altar, seeping into the ancient stone and invigorating the sacred symbols carved into it.

The merchant didn't die immediately, but the shock, pain, and fear kept him from moving. I nicked my wrist with the blade and brought it to the man's mouth, waiting long enough to make sure the lowly sacrifice ingested my blood. 

A sense of profound satisfaction washed over me as I continued the ritual. I stood at full height, the saber now a proper instrument of Jashin's will, and looked down at the offering.

The markings on my skin darkened, fully activated. The cut on my wrist healed instantly.

I stabbed myself, the blade sliding right through my thigh, just shy of the bone. The merchant shrieked, gasping for breath as blood bubbled up out if his mouth. 

Grinning, I continued guiding the blade across my body. The pain was shared, just as it should be. Life was suffering, after all. Jashin opened my eyes to a new world, really. Pain was meant to be shared. It was meant to be treasured and felt amongst all of us sinners. 

That's just how it was. 

As the man finally died, soul being freed, and the ritual completed, I turned to leave the chamber. Willow followed faithfully at my side. Together, we stepped back into the twilight, ready to continue our journey and further the divine will of Jashin.

Now to find Hidan and Kakuzu. 

The pain was shared, just as it should be. Life was suffering, after all. Jashin opened my eyes to a new world, really. Pain was meant to be shared. It was meant to be treasured and felt amongst all of us sinners.

That's just how it was.

As the man finally died, soul being freed, and the ritual completed, I turned to leave the chamber. Willow followed faithfully at my side. Together, we stepped back into the twilight, ready to continue our journey and further the divine will of Jashin.

Now to find Hidan and Kakuzu.

We retraced our steps back through the dense forest, each step taking us further from the ancient temple and closer to our next objective. The path was dimly lit by the setting sun, casting long shadows that danced around us. I could feel the power of the saber, now consecrated by blood, resonating with my own energy.

Kurama's voice rumbled in my mind, 'You know where to find them?'

"Yes," I replied, my voice a whisper in the twilight. "I don't know how,but I can just...feel it. Must be Hidan, he's also a devout follower"

After another day of travel, we reached a small, desolate village near the border. The air was thick with the dense mist, and the streets were eerily quiet. It was the kind of place Hidan and Kakuzu might be?

This was a place where people wouldn't be missed immediately. A shiver ran up my spine. So much potential, so many sacrifices. Ah, this is be a good place.

As we entered the village, I kept my senses sharp, scanning for any signs of the two Akatsuki members. The villagers, few as they were, gave us wary glances. I ignored them, focused solely on my mission.

Finally, in the village's dilapidated tavern, I spotted them. Hidan's unmistakable silver hair and Kakuzu's stitched face were hard to miss. They were seated at a corner table, discussing something in hushed tones.

I approached them, Willow by my side. Hidan looked up first, his eyes narrowing as he sized me up. "Kid?" he asked, his voice dripping with suspicion.

"I'm free now," I replied evenly, meeting his gaze. "I've come to join you. My faith in Jashin is as strong as yours"

Hidan's eyes gleamed with interest, while Kakuzu remained silent, his expression unreadable behind his mask. "Oh really?" Hidan said, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

Without warning, he lunged at me, his scythe flashing in the dim light of the tavern. I sidestepped his attack, drawing my saber in one fluid motion. The blade clashed against his scythe, the sound ringing out like a bell.

Hidan laughed, a sound filled with genuine amusement. "Well, I'll be damned. You gotta good instinct, kid. Welcome to the fold."

Kakuzu nodded in silent approval, his eyes glinting with interest. "We could use someone like you," he said. "But remember, loyalty to the Akatsuki is paramount."

I sheathed my saber, a sense of accomplishment washing over me. "I serve Jashin, loyalty must be earned"

The man nodded seriously. "Understandable"

Hidan broke the mood. "Come on kid, there's plenty'a fuckwads to sacrifice in this shitshow!"

I grinned. My saviours, I was back with them. Everything was going to be okay now.

Especially since I have Lord Jashin by my side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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