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"'Help!' The desperate cry echoed through the darkness.

Blood spurted from his lips like a macabre fountain, painting his face with gruesome strokes. His body trembled, his eyes screwed shut in a futile attempt to block out the agony.

Before him, a circle of sinister figures loomed, their red hoodies and black attire seeming to blend with the shadows like specters of death.

The masks hiding their faces only added to the unsettling aura, making them appear as agents of some dark and malevolent force.

The boss, seated in the chair, stood out from the rest. His icy blue eyes gleamed like frozen stars in the darkness.

His black shirt and pants seemed to absorb the faint light, making him all but invisible except for those piercing orbs.

The cigarette dangling from his lips cast a faint glow, casting an eerie light on the scene.

The air was heavy with tension, the silence oppressive, as if the very darkness itself was watching and waiting...

He closed in, the boss exhaled a stream of cigarette smoke directly into the wounded man's face. "Where is my money?" he demanded, his deep voice low and menacing.

The wounded man stuttered, "I-I don't have it...b-but I'll get it...v-very soon."

The boss's expression turned glacial. "You think I'm joking?" he repeated, his voice rising in anger. "Where. Is. My. Money?"

The wounded man's words were cut short as the boss landed a brutal blow to his face, sending blood spurting from his mouth. "No excuses!" the boss roared, his icy blue eyes blazing with fury.

"Melody!" he barked, summoning one of his gang members.

"Sir?" Melody responded, her voice crisp as she stepped forward." "Handle him," he commanded, his voice devoid of emotion.

Melody nodded, her eyes locked on the wounded man. A gunshot echoed through the night, and the man's body slumped to the ground.

The boss turned to Jeff. "Delete all his online presence. Leave no trace."

Jeff nodded, his fingers flying across his phone's screen.

The boss's gaze lingered on the lifeless body before he gestured to his team. "Let's move out."

As they sped away in their black SUV, the boss's smile grew wider. "Melody, you're a true asset to our team."

"Thank you, boss," Melody replied, her eyes gleaming with pride. "I won't let you down."

The boss's smile grew wider. "I know you won't. You never do."

And with that, the SUV vanished into the darkness, leaving behind a gruesome reminder of the boss's unforgiving rule.

As the car drove away from the gruesome scene, Isabelle's mind raced with thoughts and emotions. She couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that lingered inside her.

"Isabelle, are you okay?" Stacy's gentle voice broke the silence, her concern evident.

Isabelle turned to face her friend, her eyes locking onto Stacy's worried gaze. "Y-yes, I'm fine. And you?" she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Stacy's expression softened, her eyes filled with pity. "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Liam's voice interrupted the moment, his tone firm and reassuring. "You girls know we didn't cause whatever we saw out there, right?"

Isabelle and Stacy nodded in unison, their eyes still locked onto each other.

"As soon as we get home, we'll report it to the police," Liam continued, his words a reminder of the reality they faced.

A MAFIA LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now