The enigmatic encounter

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isabelle had spent the entire day lounging in bed, only stirring when stacy brought her breakfast. but now, with the day wearing on, she finally roused herself to prepare for her evening date. with a yawn, she tossed off the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed, her bare feet dangling in the air.
a knock at the door broke the silence, followed by stacy's cheerful voice.
'come in!'
isabelle called out, her tone languid. stacy entered, her eyes fixed disapprovingly on her friend.
  'when will you finally get out of bed, you lazy potato?' she teased, shaking her head at isabelle's prolonged sulking.
  isabelle retorted with a playful jab, 'i'll get up soon, mom!' stacy's expression turned quizzical. 'mom?' isabelle exaggerated her sarcasm, throwing her hands up in mock frustration. 'can't you tell i'm being sarcastic?' stacy chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
'oh, you're sarcastic, huh?' she teased, her tone laced with humor. isabelle feigned sadness, 'you're like my mom, always nagging me!' this elicited a sympathetic hug from stacy, who drew her close.
stacy asked with a smirk, 'when are you planning to get ready for your date?' isabelle replied nonchalantly, 'my date's not till 5, plenty of time.' stacy chuckled, 'and what time do you think it is now?' isabelle lazily estimated, 'probably around 2:15.
' stacy playfully tapped her forehead, 'get a grip, girl, it's already 4:45!.
isabelle's eyes widened in alarm as she checked her phone. 'what!!' she shrieked, leaping out of bed and dashing to the bathroom.
  stacy laughed and teased, 'i'll leave you to get ready for your date, see you later!' as she exited the room, still chuckling.
  before long, isabelle emerged from the bathroom, her skin glowing after her bath. she moisturized her skin with a lavish application of body lotion, then slipped into her beloved black off-the-shoulder gown, which perfectly complemented her raven hair. after brushing her locks, she secured them in a sleek bun and added a subtle pop of color with lip gloss, bypassing the makeup kits stacy had left out for her.
"isabelle slipped on her black stilettos and admired her reflection in the mirror. just then, stacy entered the room, her expression faux-disapproving.
'eww, you're going out looking like that? please tell me it's not for the date...", she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
"yes, it's the date, and don't worry, he's just a regular guy, not a big deal." isabelle replied nonchalantly, snatching up her phone. her eyes widened as she read the text from max: 'i'll come pick you up, send me your location.' her heart skipped a beat at the prospect of seeing him soon.
isabelle quickly shared her location with max and turned to stacy with a conspiratorial grin. 'don't worry, i'll fill you in on every juicy detail later,' she whispered, winking. just then, a loud horn honked outside, echoing through the house, making them both jump in surprise.
    "your date is here!'stacy exclaimed,
her voice shrill with excitement, as she and isabelle hurried downstairs. their jaws dropped in unison as they caught sight of the sleek, black ferrari parked outside, its engine purring smoothly
"Isa, I thought you said he wasn't a big deal?" Stacy exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief, her voice laced with a mix of surprise and excitement.
"I didn't know he was a big fish!" Isabelle replied, equally astonished, her gaze fixed on the sleek Ferrari. The well-dressed man in the car exuded an air of sophistication, his black suit immaculately ironed, his hair perfectly styled.
  His chiseled features were accentuated by his poised expression, and the gleam of his Rolex wristwatch left Stacy awestruck. "Oh my god, look at that watch!" she whispered, her eyes fixed on the luxury timepiece.
Isabelle waved at the man, saying, "I'll just change my clothes, I'll be right back.
" But the man apologetically replied, "I'm sorry, ma'am, we don't have enough time. The boss is waiting for you." His deep, masculine voice added to the mystique, leaving the girls stunned.
they echoed in unison, their voices laced with disbelief. The man's expression remained impassive, his eyes fixed on Isabelle with an air of expectation. Stacy's eyes darted between Isabelle and the man, her mind racing with questions. Who was this boss? And why did he send such a handsome and stylish driver?
The man's gaze never wavered, his eyes fixed on Isabelle with an intensity that made her heart race.
   "Who is this boss?" Stacy asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes wide with curiosity.
Isabelle shook her head, "I don't know, Stacy, I really don't!" She turned to the man, "Who is he? Tell me!" The man's expression remained neutral, but a hint of a smile played on his lips.
"All in good time, ma'am. Please, we must leave now." He gestured to the car, his hand extended, inviting Isabelle to enter. Isabelle hesitated, her mind racing with doubts and questions. She entered the car and it drove off leaving stacy behind and the question began again.
"Is his name truly Max?" She asked again. "Can't say," He answered shortly, not even batting an eye in her direction.
"The boss does not disclose his personal information to others, except his people." He said this time, taking his time to answer her questions.
"Who are his people?" She asked again. "Please, ma'am, don't let us talk," He said tiredly, as if he'd had enough of her questions. "Rude!" She thought to herself. Out of boredom and since the ride was taking forever, she dozed off.


"Ma'am, we are here." The driver said, tapping her gently.
"Really?" Isabelle asked, rubbing her blurry eyes.
"Yes, boss is on the third floor." He said, pointing to the third and last building, an extremely tall and breathtaking clubhouse.

It was a club, a five-star club. It was the kind of club she usually saw in movies or celebrity pictures. The moment they entered, she gasped at the decoration and placement of the club - perfection. She instantly felt out of place because the people there were gorgeous, their clothes a marvel. Her mouth formed an "O" as she looked around.
"I should have listened to Stacy and worn a more beautiful dress." She regretted.
"Boss is upstairs." The driver pointed upstairs. They both walked through the stairs as her eyes danced around the club, even seeing a few celebrities on the first floor.
They got to the second floor and Isabelle's heart did a crazy jump. It was even more beautiful than the first floor. The people there were more intimidating, and they were all wearing masks. This showed that the people on this floor were richer than those on the first floor. The people started giving her weird looks, wondering why someone like her was on the second floor, more importantly, going to the third! Soon they got to the third floor and her heart dropped. She saw more people wearing the same suit as her driver - all handsome and mesmerizing, but her driver was the most handsome.
"I wish Stacy could see this hotties," she thought.
Soon enough they got to the third floor .
"Boss is in that room." Her driver pointed to a room down the hall, his gesture subtle but clear.
Her heart raced as she started walking alone, wondering why they weren't following her. The moment she stood in front of the door, her heart raced. She wasn't mentally prepared for this. She gently opened the door, and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit her nose. She entered the darkly lit room, her body shivering due to the aura blasting around the room. Her eyes fell on a huge figure sitting on a chair, his back facing hers. "Hey, Izabelle."
  A deep, masculine voice echoed across the room, making her body shiver a little.
He turned his chair around, making his face visible to her. His posture was relaxed, as he savored his alcohol. His head was slightly tilted as he stared at her. Isabelle's eyes flew wide, and then she swallowed. This man before her was strikingly gorgeous; he almost didn't look real. Now she saw the reason why he was the boss of those hot cuties. Her eyes met piercing icy blue eyes that glinted dangerously. She felt a chill crawl up her spine as he used his daunting eyes to scan her from head to toe. "Come sit," he said, as he stood up and drew a chair for her to sit opposite him.As she walked towards the chair, she couldn't help but think about how tall and huge he was. He looked like a fallen angel. She sat in front of him, and the candle on the table lit up magically, illuminating the various types of food displayed before her.
"Who will eat all this?" She said, almost drooling at the sight.
"You like what you see," He stated, his deep voice sending another set of shivers down her spine.
She nodded, her gaze locking onto his face. His long black hair was perfectly messy, his chiseled features rivaling a supermodel's. His suit fit him like a glove, accentuating his toned physique. He rose from his chair, his eyes never leaving hers, and closed the distance between them. Isabelle's heart raced as he drew near, their faces inches apart. She felt his warm breath on her skin, her stomach fluttering with anticipation. His hand reached up, loosening her bun, and her brown hair cascaded down her shoulders.
"You look more beautiful like this," he whispered, his seductive tone sending her heart into overdrive.Isabelle's eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting his piercing blue eyes. She felt like she was drowning in their depths, her heart racing with excitement. His face was inches from hers, his lips tantalizingly close. She could feel the heat emanating from his body, his scent intoxicating her senses. She was trapped in his gaze, unable to look away, as he continued to stare at her with an intensity that left her breathless.
"You're beautiful, Isabelle," he whispered, his voice husky and low.
"But I think you know that already." His words sent a shiver down her spine, her heart skipping a beat as she wondered what he meant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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