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Song of the chapter:

End Of Me by A Day To Remember

Justin's POV:


Her eyes stared back into mine, the background world slowing down around our bodies. I was staring at Selena, my one love, and I couldn't even say a word.

"Justin.." Her sweet, soft voice spoke my name, sending a chill down my spine. A warm feeling formed in the pit of my stomach at the familiarity. I hadn't heard that her speak my name in so long.

"Oh, Selena.." I spoke with softness, not wanting to scare her away. My hand slowly raised, finding its place on her cheek. She flinched slightly when my hand rested on her smooth cheek, which didn't surprise me. Of course she wasn't used to my touch anymore. It'd been such a long time.

Her eyes broke from mine as she looked away. I could see the tears forming in them as she looked down at her feet.

"Hey, hey.. don't cry.. It's okay.." I cooed, wanting to make her feel better. I didn't want her to cry about me already. It hurt my heart to know that I damaged her that much.

She reached up, softly grabbing my hand and removing it. "It's not okay.." She spoke. "You can't just act like nothing happened." I could sense her strength building up. She'd been training for this moment longer than I had. She knew what she was going to say, but I was going out on a limb here, making a fool out of myself all out of love.

"I'm not, Sel. Can we talk in private? I want to explain everything to you.." I looked down at her, hoping that she would say yes. My other hand was still holding onto her forearm gently.

"Justin, we can't do this. You shouldn't be talking to me. I heard all I needed to hear that day you left me. I don't trust you." She backed away from me slightly, ripping a piece of my heart out with her as she ripped away her arm.

"I didn't think you would, and that's okay. I just want to tell you everything, honestly. You deserve to know. I still love you, Selena.." My voice was shaky and my heart was in my throat as I said those three words. And by the look on her face, I knew I shouldn't have.

Her face wrinkled up in disgust as she began to spit her words at me. "Don't you dare play those words against me. You never loved me. It was all a game to you and it still is, isn't it? You have no right to be doing this to me."

"No, Selena! I know what I did was fucked up and I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." I felt the emotions in my body swirling around. I knew that I was going to lose my cool at any moment and I would start rambling and would make a fool out of myself. But I just needed her to listen to me and let me explain what happened. And we could start new with a clean slate. It could happen.

"Stop it! Stop pretending you cared about what you did. You knew what you were doing the whole time, and you still continued with it. You're not sorry, you're just pathetic." She shook her head, her voice full of venom.

"Selena.. I.." I felt tears now filling my eyes. I blinked them away, causing them to roll down my cheeks. Anxiety was building up in me as I started to realize that this wasn't going as I planned. There was going to be no talking it out and starting over. I had really hurt her.

"You know what, save it Justin. I don't want to hear your sorry excuses and apologies. Thanks for once again ruining another one of my nights." She turned on her heel and walked out of my presence quickly.

I was left to stand there in my own pity, people glancing at me as they walked by. My heart felt like it had been ripped out and stepped on. This was my payback. I deserved what I was getting, yet I couldn't wrap my head around that idea.

I quickly pushed my way out of the building and to the town car that was waiting for me. As it escorted me back to my house I held my cool in front of the driver. All I could think about were her words.

"I don't trust you."

"You're pathetic."

"You never loved me."

"Thanks for ruining my night."

As soon as the car reached my house I paid the man and quickly made my way into my house. I was so angry that I had messed up my once chance at ever getting anywhere with Selena. All of a sudden my fist collided with the wall, sending a shock up my arm.

Causing damage to myself made me, weirdly, feel better. I threw another swing at the wall, creating a second hole. I glanced down at my hand to see my knuckles already bleeding.

I picked up a lamp that was nearby and chucked it at the wall, it shattering on impact, just like I had when Selena walked away. I flipped over the coffee table, taking my anger out on anything and everything that was within reach.

Twenty minutes later, my house was destroyed, just like me. I sat in the middle of my destruction, regretting the fact that I had ever went along with that stupid bet. If I would have just said no from the start, I could have actually gotten to love Selena like she deserved. All of this was my fault.

I reached into my nightstand, wincing slightly as I pulled out a small plastic bag full of light blue pills. These had helped me sleep after I would stay up all night on drugs.

I took one out of the bag, swallowing it. Sleep would make everything better. But as I sat there, staring at the bag in my hand, my impulse got the best of me. I emptied the rest of the bag into my hands, throwing it aside, and popping the rest of pills into my mouth. I swallowed them all, and leaned my head back against the wall.

Closing my eyes, I felt the sleepy feeling slowly wash over my body. As I drifted out of consciousness, there was only one thing on my mind: I sure as hell would miss Selena when I was gone.

it's super short and I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself from posting it :(
ohhhh they finally talked
and there's finally some drama for you guys! what do you think is going to happen next?

(btw this book will be different & so much better than the first, so put your expectations high)


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