Chapter 4: Prime's Bondline.

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(I have disappeared and yet returned with new ideas. If you got a few ideas, don't hesitant to ask!)

                    It been a few days after Optimus have crash landed, it been quite... calming for the first months after the Decepticons have broken out of the Autobot's Prison Ship. Bumblebee was still the Leader on his own teammates, but having Optimus by his side once more feels like the past is rushing through him when he was a young Scout. Optimus have taken a role of a protecter and the side helper since he is still weak after... saving Cybertron from dying. Anyways, Optimus do still feel... a little hurt because he missed his Bond-Mate, Ratchet. He doesn't know how long he was out since the start of a new chapter of Cybertron. The team was getting back from a mission, Bumblebee transformed into his Robot Alt-mode before walking over to the Command Center as his optics scanned the area searching for his Sire, "Hey, Uh, Fixit?" He said with a hint of worry in his voice, "Where's my Sire at? He waits for us right here." Fixit shrugged, "Sorry sir, but I don't know where he went. Even Russel is gone as well." Bumblebee placed his servo on his hip before looking at his teammates, "Do... y'all know where Optimus went?" Sideswipe, Drift, Grimlock and the two Mini-Cons shook their helms. He glanced over at Strongarm who was daydreaming about Optimus's frame. Bumblebee groaned and snapped his digits at Strongarm to get her attention, "Strongarm, do you know where my Sire is?" Strongarm snapped out of her little world, "N-No sir! I don't know where he is..." she chuckled nervously. Bumblebee looked away a little and started to think, 'Where did you run off this time, Papa..."

                Somewhere out in the forest, Optimus was walking through the forest with Russel on his shoulder-pad. Russel was happily playing his video game on his phone while Optimus still think about the good times he has with Ratchet. Suddenly, a small glow started to hum on where his Spark Chamber is at on his chassis. Russel jumped slightly from the soft humming and the light coming from Optimus, "Whoa! What's going on!" Optimus's frame started to tremble a bit as he looked in front of him.... a white and orange Autobot who is barely tall. He knew that paint job anywhere! With a sudden move, he gently lowers Russel down before beelining to the Autobot. The Autobot name was Ratchet, his Bond-Mate. Ratchet opened his arms as Optimus scooped him up and hugged him in a tight grasp, "Mi amor!" Optimus shouted out with tears in his optics. Ratchet begin to cry a little as he cupped Optimus's face, "Oh Optimus... my dear love... I am here now..." Meanwhile Russel was watching the whole thing as he does a facetime call to the Scrapyard, "Guys! Look what me and Prime found!"

                      On the screen Russell showed Optimus hugging Ratchet out in the middle of the forest. Strongarm balled her fits up in anger as she felt jealousy rushing through her veins. Bumblebee couldn't believe his optics, his other Sire have somehow managed to be here on earth. Bumblebee jumped up and down like a sparkling, "It's Daddy!" He shouted out happily. Drift chuckled as he watched Bumblebee. Another member to the team, a Medic. Strongarm quietly sneaked out with anger and jealousy in her optics, "I must do something... Optimus will. Be. Mine." Back with the others, Grimlock walked over to the screen were showed Optimus and Ratchet hugging each other, "Russel, why is Bumblebee acting like this?" Russell answered back with a chuckle, "Because Ratchet is Bumblebee's other Sire. His Daddy really." Grimlock gave a nod and looked back at Bumblebee who couldn't control his excitement.

                        Back in the woods, Ratchet wiped Optimus's tears as he gave him a kiss. Optimus held Ratchet close as his frame shook a little, he missed Ratchets' kisses. They broke apart as Optimus set down Ratchet, not until Ratchet scooped up Optimus in a bridal way as Optimus yelped. Russell burst out laughing from seeing a short Medic holding a tall Prime in his arms like he weights nothing. Ratchet smirked, "Your mine now, Orion...~" Optimus's whole frame went blue as he covered up his blushing face, "R-Ratchet!" Russell blinked before looking back onto his phone, "Soo, we'll be coming back. Bye!" He hung up before shifting his gaze at the two lovebirds. Optimus lower his servos down a bit, "We... we should get moving now.." Ratchet gave a nod as he throws Optimus over his shoulder, "Agree." Optimus chuckled deeply as his blush was slowly disappearing. The trip begins to walk back to the Scrapyard... unaware of a person who was standing behind them the whole time, watching them with his purple mixed with red optics.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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