Chapter 2: A old pal.

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Bumblebee's POV:

        Bumblebee just stand there, froze in shock from what he just has seen. Optimus Prime, his friend, his old leader... his Sire... right here in front of him in the pod. He was ALIVE. Everyone thought he was dead after sacrificing himself to save Cybertron from dying. And yet he's here alive and well like nothing even happen. He snapped out of his shock and quickly open up the pod as air goes out of the side and the lid opens up to reveal Optimus fully. Optimus slowly open his sapphire like optics as he leaned up from the pod and rubbed his head. The only words that Optimus said was: "Ugh.. where am I?" Bumblebee moved closer to Optimus and helps him down from the pod, "Sire?.. is that really you?" Optimus looked at Bumblebee w8th confused optics, "Bumblebee? Oh my, you look older.." Bumblebee chuckled and placed his servo on Optimus's shoulder, "You was gone for a long while, but you always find a way back to me, Papa." Optimus smiled softly, "Indeed I always do.." Bumblebee nodded then remember something, "Oh yeah, I forgot to show you my new team." He excitedly says. Optimus tilted his helm a bit in confusion, "Your new team? What happened to the others?.." he said with worriedness in his voice. He always worries for his team; he was like a father to them all. Sure, he gave birth to Bumblebee during the war but still, he kind of adopted his teammates. Bumblebee rubbed the back of his helm, "Well, that's a long story to tell you. But the others will crash land here as well," he gave a smiling knowing his old team members will know where to find them... he hopes. Optimus only give a nod, but deep down he couldn't help but wonder what happened to them all those years ago after he gave his spark to the core of Cybertron.

          Strongarm was looking at Optimus in a fangirl way (Because she fragging SIMPS for him) that she couldn't think straight of how she'll be with Optimus, because she knows his old spark-mate have probably found a new mate already. That's a hella lie. Until Optimus spotted Strongarm looking at him in... an uncomfortable way because he was very shy or doesn't like when people are staring at him. Bumblebee noticed Optimus's discomfort and told Strongarm to stop staring at him because his Sire doesn't like that. Strongarm looked away as she felt embarrassed from not knowing that Optimus doesn't like to be stared at. Sideswipe beelines to Optimus, "Optimus Prime?! Holy slag! You are real! I thought Bumblebee was only telling stories about you being his Sire or Carrier!" He said while jumping up and down like a sparkling. Optimus chuckled and patted the young bot's helm, "Indeed I am real, young one.." Sideswipes squeals in excitement. Bumblebee rolled his optics playfully before chuckling, "That's Sideswipe, he can be a hand full at times." Prime looked at Sideswipe's sparkling optics, "You were a hand full, Bee.." Bumblebee crossed his arms, "Oh yeah, I forgot I used to give you a crazy time with me." Optimus ruffes Bumblebee's helm, "Oh indeed you did.. did you remember the time you won't let me put you to your berth without me sleeping with you?.." Bumblebee blushed from embarrassment, "Sire.. You know I was afraid of being alone..!" Optimus's optics soften, "Oh I been knew.. I always have my little bee.." Bumblebee looked at Optimus before smiling. Gramlock walked over to the group, "Hi.. I'm Gram.." Optimus looked over at Gramlock before smiling, "Well hello there," he patted Gramlock's helm.

Once they all introduced each other》

          All of them head back to th Scrapyard. Bumblebee was talking to Optimus as they both have their servos on their hips. The others looked at them like 'They even walk the same?!' Or 'So fraggin' hot.'

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