Chapter 5 - Imprint

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Patrolling was starting to drain Jacob faster than he expected. Especially when the pack currently only consisted of five shapeshifters.

Moving silently through the forest, it was his and Embry's turn to patrol, their heightened senses alert to the slightest disturbance. The ground muffled their footsteps, and the air was thick with the fresh scent of pine and earth.

How long do you think until Quil joins us?

Embry's voice echoed in Jacob's mind through their telepathic link.

Jacob mentally sighed, his muscles tensing slightly as he remembered the confusion and irritation he felt before his own transformation.

I don't know, man. I just hope it's soon. It sucks keeping secrets from him. Not knowing is the worst part.

Embry agreed, his massive wolf form moving gracefully beside Jacob.

Yeah, I felt like crap leaving both of you guys in the dark. But it's the tribe elders and Alpha's orders. We can't just tell him.

That stupid gag order. He had spent avoiding Bella and cutting her off harshly because of it. He felt like a complete shit after. He understood now how hard it had been for Embry.

I get it. I really do. I just hate that he has to go through this. Who knew myths and legends were—

Their conversation was cut short when a sudden, nauseatingly sweet scent hit their nostrils. It was unmistakable—the scent of a vampire. Jacob's hackles rose, and a low growl rumbled in his chest.

Leech! West side of La Push Beach.

Jacob communicated with a snarl, his tone urgent. Without hesitation, he threw his head back and let out a long, piercing howl to signal the rest of the pack. The sound echoed through the forest, a call to arms that would bring the others running.

Embry was already at Jacob's side.

Let's go! He urged, his voice taut with anticipation.

They dashed through the forest, their powerful legs eating up the ground with ease. Every muscle in Jacob's body was coiled and ready, his mind focused solely on the hunt. The scent grew stronger, mingling with the salty tang of the ocean as they neared the beach.

The rest of the pack had finally caught up with Jacob and Embry.

Stay sharp. It's your first time facing a vampire, so be ready for anything. Sam commanded.

Paul scoffed, his arrogance coming through clearly.

One leech? We've got this.

Jacob, filled with adrenaline, agreed. He needed to unleash his piled up anger somewhere and a blood sucker was just the perfect punching bag.

As they rushed past the trees, Sam, leading the pack, growled menacingly. Jared, who had the best sense of smell among them, alerted the pack.

There's two humans with the vampire!

Multiple curses echoed in their minds as they sped up, their determination fierce.

The pack surged forward, driven by the scent of the vampire that lingered in the air. Jacob's russet-colored fur bristled with anticipation; his muscles coiled, ready to unleash their full force. The leech was ahead, and the pack moved with one goal: to eliminate the threat. Sam led the charge, his black form a dark streak against the forest backdrop. Jacob followed closely, every instinct honed in on their prey.

As they neared a desolate meadow, the sight that greeted them was unexpected. The blood sucker stood, his eyes wide with confusion and pain, but what caught Jacob off guard was the sight of two girls—one he recognized instantly.

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