Chapter 7 - Billy Black

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Selene arrived at what she assumed to be Billy Black's house. The modest red-painted home had a welcoming aura, and she cycled her bike closer to the front yard to park it. As she dismounted and leaned her vintage bicycle beside the front porch, she noticed an old red, or is it orange?—large boxy pickup truck parked nearby.

Just as Selene adjusted her bike, she heard multiple voices coming from behind the house. The familiar sound of Bella's voice caught her attention, surprising her. She turned towards the direction of the voices and saw Bella approaching with two half-naked—why were they half-naked?—muscular guys flanking her.

"Bella?" Selene called out, her voice carrying surprise and concern.

The trio halted in their tracks, astonishment evident on their faces with different reasons as they stared at her.

Bella's eyes widened in recognition. "Selene? What are you doing here?"

Selene walked closer, her curiosity piqued, and replied, "I came to see Billy Black. Sue Clearwater—a lovely woman—mentioned he might share some local history and legends with me."

Bella nodded, though she seemed distracted and slightly dazed. Before Selene could ask what was going on, the two guys stepped forward, their expressions shifting to ones of excitement and curiosity.

"I'm Embry," one of them introduced himself, extending a hand with a wide, friendly smile.

"And I'm Jared," the other added, his grin equally enthusiastic. "Are you friends with Bella?"

Selene shook Embry's hand, feeling the hot warmth of his skin, and then Jared's, noticing their firm grips. "Yes, I met Bella recently. I'm Selene Lovegood."

Both boys exchanged glances, their eyes lighting up with mischief. "British accent, huh?" Jared teased, his tone playful. "That's pretty cool."

"Cool? You mean hot—Jake is totally done for," Embry remarked to Jared with mirth in his eyes.

"Not like he'll already worship the ground she walks on," Jared argued back, rolling his eyes.

With Selene looking confused by their comments, Embry leaned in a bit closer, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "So, Selene, are you single?"

Jared chuckled and added, "Because if you are, we know someone who's also single and would love to meet someone as beautiful as you."

Selene felt a mix of amusement and mild embarrassment at their forwardness. Their larger-than-life personalities and sudden closeness were a bit overwhelming, but their friendliness was undeniable. She couldn't help but laugh lightly at their antics.

"Well, that's quite an introduction," Selene said, her eyes sparkling with humor. "But yes, I'm single. And thank you, I suppose."

Bella, who had been watching the exchange with a faint smile, finally spoke up. "Selene, these guys are part of the, community. They're good friends."

Selene nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Nice to meet you both, Embry and Jared. I'm here to learn more about the local culture and history. Sue mentioned that Billy Black might be able to help."

Embry and Jared's teasing expressions softened slightly, and Jared said, "Billy's inside. He'll be happy to talk to you. More than happy actually—," he added, jerking his thumb towards the house.

Selene smiled warmly. "Really? Thank you. I appreciate it." She turned to Bella, her tone gentle. "Are you alright, Bella?"

Bella nodded, though her eyes still held a shadow of worry. "Yeah, just...a lot going on."

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