•Meeting them•

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First time meeting the bowers gang

Aries! Probably gets in a fight with one of them

Taurus! Being Henrys tutor for... Well everything

Gemini! Makes a joke and ends up embarrassing themselves 

Cancer! Acts tough but inside wants to cry because of how mean they are

Leo! Didn't even have to do anything, Was in the group when making eye contact

Virgo! Try's so hard to impress one of them but ends up making a joke of themselves

Libra! Makes all of them laugh and no one knows how they did it

Scorpio! Acts like there nothing special but secretly is trying to impress Patrick with toughness

Sagittarius! Can't even form sentence without stuttering like Billy boy when looking at them

Capricorn! Rumors of them dating victor even though they were only having a friendly chat

Aquarius! Complements Belch about his car

Pisces! Starting a conversation with one of them and heading out with one of there numbers

First one done I love this so far


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