I Know I'm Not The Only One

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The world may end but my love for you is endless, for I thought that I have found myself only to feel like I haven't. I thought heaven was my savior but I guess it doesn't stand beside of me like you do.

I could be anything you want, to please you is my duty, It's my gift to you for making me feel so lovable, though I know I'm not the only one. So please  don't ever tell me to go away from you.

Your touch can maybe be rough, like sanding my skin only to burn myself, but your words are like candy that can sometimes be so sweet, I sometimes wonder how often you would say it, but not for me.

I'll always be here for you regardless of the pain, just for you. So tell me what you are looking for I'll stand here, knocking on your front door in a row at Hilbert's Grand Hotel.

I'll keep the knowledge that you gave me, treasure it like my life, like how to love myself but always less than I love you.

Whenever I feel like losing myself I always find you, opening your hands and comforting me. If I know I can't fulfill my duty, I know I'm not the only one.

You know me so well and yet I only know you.

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