A walk with a Stranger - 1

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Hot smoke entered in the body making his stress release. Feeling of freedom engrossed in him as he took another puff of his cigarette. He let out a deep breath. The bus stop is almost empty. The small drizzles of rain falling all over the road. There is no sign of any human around. The hustling and rustling of nearby IT park is too low today. Might be due to uncertain climate of Bangalore and traffic he thought. Also the worst case sinario today is government holiday and barely any auto and taxi is visible. Also the private apps for cabs are on strike. Basically there is almost no way to get a vehicle at this hour. He looked at his watch. Its 11.30 at night. Its late he thought. Usually he likes standing here watching people around and observing them. It helps him with his character foundation and creativity. He is a born painter, an old soul with young heart. He feels music is his life and colors are his way of expressing his feelings. He continued his smoking while tapping on the railing of bus stop looking outside view. The rain has started pouring heavily. After a while his eyes catch a girl walking or almost running to the bus stop in the heavy rain. Slowly she came near the stop. He can now clearly see her. She is in her office attire. Blue shirt and black skirt. Her long hairs are freely roaming below her shoulders. She is wearing high heals and could barely walk in the muddy and wet road. He quickly took out cigarette from his mouth and throw it away. He doesn't want her to feel insecure due to his smoking. He knew usually girls don't have good perception about the person who is smoking. She has now walked past him without looking at him and stand on a bit of distance from him. She open the zip of her purse and took out her cellphone. Her battery almost died. She quickly called her roommate. After ringing for a while she picked up the phone.

" Hello, Anju..Yeah I am on the bus stop but I don't think I will get bus at this hour that too in this heavy rain. Let me check for cab.  "
She spoke with a little lower tone.

" Yeah..whattt..today is Cab strike  ? When did this happened..? But there was nothing when I arrived this morning in office. Shitt..I am screwed.
" He couldn't hear her much but he knows from her expressions that she is upset and little scared maybe.

" Yeah..will do something. Don't worry. I will be little late and my battery almost gonna die so don't take stress. I will manage something..Yah..byee.." She cut the phone and put it back in her purse and look around. The wet road is almost empty. The rain has now slower down but not as much as she can walk in that. She looked sideways and found a man of her age or almost 3-4 years older to her standing besides staring outside. He looked at her and she looked away. He understood her situation. A lonely girl standing on a bus stop on a rainy night at this hour is risky. He can feel her consciousness. He took out his phone and dialed a number.

" Hello..Yes maa..yeah I know..but.. don't worry I will be little late but will reach home in sometime. Yeah..byee.." His tone is little louder so she can hear him.

She looked at him one more time. The way he spoke to his mother is with so much care brought relief to her somehow. 

" Do you live nearby ? " He asked her after collecting all the courage in the world.

" aa..umm.. No not really. " She said hesitantly. Not disclosing much information.

" Is anyone going to pick u up..? I mean even I too want to go home but the climate is.." He didn't finish his sentence when he heared the loud thunder. 

" I mean to say if you live before me then we would  have walk together. I will drop you at your house and will go to mine after that. As you see we can't get a vehicle now. " His voice was calm and full of concern. She thought for a while. Do any other option left..no. Also he seem to be a family man. So..she didn't have option than to trust him. And walking is much safer than going out with someone in closed vehicle or on a some strangers bike she thought.

" Where do you live maam ? " He asked her again.

" Aryan enclave, Swaraj nagar, 4-5 kilometers from here. " She finished.

" Ohh..that's good. I live near Boston corner just straight one and half km from your building. If you are comfortable then we will walk together. "

" Umm..okay " She looked outside to find rain drops are slowly dripping. They can take a walk. I mean its better to have a man besides rather than walking alone she thought.

How's the first part..?

Are u excited to meet them and to know them ?

Votes and comments appreciated.

This is going to be short story with two or three parts. So don't hesitate to wrote down your thoughts in comment section.

Love Sanika ❤

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