Getting called a girl??? Fine! I'll play that game!

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POV Aether

I was looking at the tall man. He seemed so familiar. But...who is that Mister?

I just smiled at the man named Zhongli:"Good morning Mister Zhongli, Im very happy meeting you and your son." I said

"Good morning to you too" the man said and smiled slightly. Damn he had a deep voice. Almost a bit too deep...well...compared to mine 🥲

Xiao just coldly stared at me...well I guess he is that distant person and such. But I just kept smiling.

I then made a move to tell Xiao to follow me as I smiled, he just rolled his eyes and stood up from his seat as I opened the door for Xiao and we walked out.

It was silent while I was leading him to the dorms as I awkwardly tried to find something to talk about but I already saw Xiao's expression, it was annoyed and silent so I kept quiet instead.

I sometimes told him where the classrooms are and I'm the end, I finally got him to the dorms.

" are the dorms" I said in a happy and proud voice, as if I would have made them myself. (of course not true)

"Cool. Where is my dorm" Xiao said without even looking at me. "You are sharing a dorm with me" I told him

"I know" he snapped and I sighed but kept smiling "We have room #208 ok? So..." I handed him a card.

"This is your key for our dorm. You just hold it at the door. And NEVER give it to someone who isn't in your room" I smiled

Xiao just looked at me for some time. Then he sighed "On which floor is the dorm?"

I giggled "oh right. Let me get you upstairs." I jumped happily to an elevator. I pushed and open button and nodded to Xiao, so he would step in.

Xiao and I were now in the elevator as I pushed the button 5. Xiao just watched me and I smiled still.

POV Xiao

I looked at Aether and noticed his bright smile. What is wrong with her.

I sighed. And why do I have to share a room with a girl. If she even is a girl...but I guess she is a girl.

I just waited till the elevator was on floor 5, and it didn't take long so we both stepped out. And damn, the halls of the dorms are long!

Well, it actually impresses me. Seems like lots of students are on this school.

I followed Aether again who was walking to the end of the hallway, that seemed like eternity.

"How long are we walking again? It seems like the dorm is the last one in row"

Aether chuckled awkwardly :"Because it is the last dorm..."

I sighed and just kept walking, but started walking faster "Then hurry up." I said.

Aether tried keeping up with me as she started jogging a bit. No wonder by the size of hers.

I scoffed a bit and ended at the last door. #208 stood on a little shield that was attached to the door. I held the keycard at the sensor and the door opened quietly.

Aether had now catches up to me and smiled at me with that honey face. Kind of cute I must say- what are you saying Xiao.

I sighed and just fully opened the door. As I stepped in I was a bit stunned. The dorm wasn't small, but also not that huge.

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