The cafe Ultimatum

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The tension from the disastrous first workshop still hung heavy in the air as Nanon and Ohm walked into the small café. Their manager, Khun Nok, had called them for a meeting, and the gravity of the situation was palpable. They found him sitting in a quiet corner, nursing a coffee and looking deeply troubled.

"Sit down," Khun Nok said, motioning to the seats across from him. His usually warm demeanor was replaced by a stern, almost weary expression.

Nanon and Ohm sat down, exchanging nervous glances. Khun Nok took a deep breath before he spoke.

"Yesterday was a disaster," he began, his voice calm but laced with frustration. "The investors and producers were extremely disappointed. This project is incredibly important, not just for the company but for your careers as well. You two need to get over whatever issues you have and make this work."

"We're trying," Nanon said, though his tone lacked conviction.

"Trying isn't good enough," Khun Nok snapped. "This is your job. You have to put your personal feelings aside and act professionally. If you can't do that, then maybe this isn't the right career for you."

The words stung, and both Nanon and Ohm fell silent. Seeing their lack of response, Khun Nok's expression softened for a moment, but he quickly hardened his resolve.

"If you two don't make this work," he said, his voice dropping to a deadly serious tone, "I will resign from being your manager. I can't continue to support actors who can't act professionally."

With that, Khun Nok stood up, leaving his unfinished coffee on the table. "Think about what I said," he said over his shoulder as he walked out of the café.

Nanon and Ohm sat in stunned silence for a few moments, the weight of Khun Nok's threat hanging over them. Finally, Nanon broke the silence.

"We're really making things difficult for him, aren't we?" Nanon said, his voice tinged with guilt.

Ohm sighed. "Yeah, we are."

Nanon took a deep breath and looked directly at Ohm. "Alright, Ohm. Let's settle this once and for all. I want the role of Pat in 'Bad Buddy'."

Ohm instantly shook his head. "No way. I'm taking that role. It suits me better."

Frustration flared in Nanon's eyes. "Why are you so stubborn? We can't both play the same role."

"Exactly," Ohm retorted. "And I'm not giving up on Pat. It fits my personality better."

Nanon knew Ohm well enough to understand that he wasn't going to budge. Ohm's playful demeanor masked a deep-seated stubbornness that was impossible to break once he'd set his mind on something.

Realizing that further argument would only waste more time and cause more trouble for their crew, Nanon sighed deeply. "Fine," he said, his voice resigned. "I'll take the role of Pran."

A grin spread across Ohm's face, and he playfully blew a kiss at Nanon. "Thanks, wifey," he teased.

Nanon rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small smile. "You're insufferable."

Taking out his phone, Nanon called the company to inform them of their decision. "Hi, this is Nanon. We've decided on our roles. I'll be playing Pran, and Ohm will be Pat. Yes, we'll be at the workshop tomorrow. Thank you."

After ending the call, he looked at Ohm. "Alright, let's make this work. For Khun Nok, for the team, and for ourselves."

Ohm nodded, a newfound determination in his eyes. "Agreed. Let's show everyone that we can do this."

The next day would be a new beginning, a chance to prove themselves and redeem their rocky start. With their roles finally settled, Nanon and Ohm felt a renewed sense of purpose. The journey ahead would still be challenging, but for the first time, they felt like they were on the same page, ready to face whatever came their way together.


The next morning, Nanon and Ohm arrived at the GMMTV building with a sense of cautious optimism. Their previous day's disastrous performance was still fresh in their minds, but they were determined to make things work. The stakes were high, and they couldn't afford another failure.

The workshop room was already buzzing with activity when they entered. Khun Supot, the director, gave them a curt nod, acknowledging their presence. "Let's see some progress today," he said, his tone serious but hopeful.

Nanon and Ohm nodded in unison, taking their places. The scene they were working on required a deep emotional connection, something that was proving to be challenging for them. As they began, their awkwardness was still evident, but at least they weren't arguing about the roles anymore.

After a few takes, Nanon felt disheartened. His performance felt forced, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was letting everyone down. He took a break, stepping outside for some fresh air. Leaning against the wall, he sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair.

Ohm, noticing Nanon's distress, followed him outside. "Hey," he said, approaching him. "Don't be so hard on yourself. It's going to take time for us to get comfortable in these roles."

Nanon looked up, his frustration clear in his eyes. "I just feel like I'm not doing Pran justice. I can't get into the character."

Ohm placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You'll get there. We're both learning. It's not going to be perfect right away. The important thing is that we're trying and not giving up."

Nanon managed a small smile, feeling a bit more confident. "Thanks, Ohm. I needed that."

"Anytime," Ohm replied, grinning. "Now let's get back in there and show them what we can do."

The two returned to the workshop with renewed determination. The next scene required them to share an intense eye contact, portraying separated friends longing for each other despite their families' conflicts. They took their positions, and as the scene unfolded, something clicked. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the tension and awkwardness melted away, replaced by a genuine connection.

The director's voice cut through the air. "Cut! That was perfect!"

Nanon and Ohm exchanged a look of relief and satisfaction. As they took their seats for a short break, Ohm found himself thinking about the scene. Indeed, Nanon was cute, but there was something about his eyes that was captivating, almost mesmerizing.

Lost in thought, Ohm didn't notice Nanon approaching. A sharp bang on his head brought him back to reality. "Ow! What was that for?" Ohm exclaimed, rubbing his head.

Nanon smirked, holding out a cup of coffee. "What are you smiling at, dumbhead? Drink your coffee and come back soon to practice."

Ohm chuckled, taking the coffee. "Thanks, wifey."

"Stop calling me that," Nanon replied, rolling his eyes but unable to hide his smile.

As Ohm watched Nanon walk away, he couldn't help but reverse his earlier thoughts. Maybe there was something more to their dynamic than just friendship. But he shook off the thought, focusing on the task at hand. They had a job to do, and it was time to put their best effort into making 'Bad Buddy' a success.

With their spirits lifted and their determination renewed, Nanon and Ohm returned to the workshop. The road ahead was still challenging, but they were ready to face it together, one step at a time.

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