**Chapter 7: A Visit in Sickness**

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Nanon woke up feeling like he'd been hit by a truck. His body ached, and his head felt like it was on fire. He tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness forced him back onto his pillow. He sighed, frustrated. This was the worst possible time to get sick. They were in the middle of shooting such an important project, and he was stuck in bed with a fever.

Meanwhile, Ohm was on set, running through his lines, when his phone buzzed. It was their manager, Khun Nok. The tone of his voice made Ohm's heart race.

"Ohm, Nanon's not coming in today. He's got a high fever," Khun Nok said.

Ohm felt a pang of worry. Nanon had always been the one to take care of him, always reliable and steadfast. Now that Nanon needed someone, Ohm wasn't about to let him down. He quickly wrapped up his work and made his way home, asking his mom to prepare some chicken rib soup for two.

A short while later, Ohm stood at Nanon's door, balancing a bag with the soup containers. He rang the bell and waited. When Nanon opened the door, he looked pale and worn out, his usual energy completely drained.

"Hey, you look awful," Ohm said, trying to lighten the mood but feeling a knot in his stomach at seeing his friend so unwell.

"Thanks for the observation," Nanon replied, his voice weak. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought you some soup," Ohm said, holding up the bag. "Mom's recipe. Can I come in?"

Nanon stepped aside, letting Ohm in. The apartment was cozy and tidy, reflecting Nanon's personality. Ohm liked the warmth of the place; it felt comfortable and safe.

"I'm going to use your kitchen," Ohm announced, heading in that direction.

"Just don't burn it down again," Nanon warned, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Ohm chuckled, shaking his head. "That was one time!"

He busied himself in the kitchen, heating up the soup. As he did, he couldn't help but notice how much he cared about Nanon. Seeing him like this, sick and vulnerable, tugged at something deep inside him. He didn't like it. He preferred seeing Nanon cheerful and full of life.

A few minutes later, Ohm came back with two bowls of steaming soup. He handed one to Nanon and sat down beside him on the couch.

"Here, this will make you feel better," Ohm said, blowing on his own spoonful of soup.

Nanon took a tentative sip and smiled. "This is good. Thank your mom for me."

They sat there, eating their soup, the warmth from the food slowly bringing color back to Nanon's cheeks. They joked about their previous kitchen disasters and laughed at old memories, the tension of the morning melting away.

"You know," Nanon said, his voice soft, "it's nice having you here. I don't get sick often, but when I do, it's good to have someone around."

Ohm smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him. "Anytime, Nanon. You've always taken care of me. It's about time I returned the favor."

As they finished their soup, Ohm felt a sense of contentment. This moment, simple as it was, felt significant. It was a reminder of the bond they shared, a bond that was growing stronger with each passing day. Ohm glanced at Nanon, who was leaning back against the couch, his eyes already starting to droop with fatigue.

"Get some rest," Ohm said, taking the empty bowls back to the kitchen. "I'll clean up here and then head out."

Nanon nodded, already half-asleep. "Thanks, Ohm."

Ohm smiled, watching his friend drift off. "Sleep well, Nanon."

As he cleaned up and left the apartment, Ohm couldn't shake the feeling that things were changing between them. It wasn't just about the project anymore. There was something deeper, something more profound that was blossoming. And for the first time, Ohm realized he was looking forward to seeing where this new path would lead them.

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