Izuku 10 part 2

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'' THAT IS BULLSHIT, I WOULD JUST BLOW UP EVEN BIGGER AND WIN,'' Katsuki screamed, annoyed by the bitch way that he went out. He was Katsuki fucking Bakugo.'' Oh come on Cuntski, It's fine, all you little losers lost against him.'' Toya said, pilling more fuel to the fire.'' All right children, let's calm down shall we, We can do death battles later.'' Truth said putting them on back on their ass.'' Hey, Truth I always wondered.'' Sure what's up Ojrio.'' What goes into you making a world?'' Truth laughed at the question.

'' Insanity.'' They looked slightly confused but nodded, assuming it was mostly a joke'' No, I am for real. Normally when I come up with an idea it comes from insanity. A funny moment I came up with talking to myself. Or in talks between insane friends. Why do you think, I come up with shit like Fraud.'' Truth said with a chuckle as the more artistic people understood, But some stood against it.'' Not me, I always plan out each part of every part. This way I know the story will always go exactly how I want it to go.'' Truth simply clapped.

'' I can't. Too boring for me. Sure for some longer stories, such as my Nakama story of Midoryuu one. I have more plans. But nothing is set in stone. I want to be just as surprised by my creations as those watching it.'' Truth said with a laugh. He honestly found it cool that some people, spend days or months planning a story out before even writing a single word down. He simply could not.'' I do come up with some plans before. Here let's watch one and we will go right into how I made it.

Truth said snapping his fingers to start the show.

 '' Are you sure that is the best team against him teach?'' Katsumi asked All Might. He stood with a smile in front of the class'' Uhm, why would that be a problem? We are all students from the same year are we not? None of us should have an advantage.'' Yeah sure, keep believing that Ponytail. There will always be people who are just better, with Better quirks and better talent, He is one of them. The best you can hope for is his quirk to fuck up.'' Katsumi said. Of course, she would not have problems with him. She was Katsumi fucking Bakugo.

'' Oh yeah, I had a daughter instead of a son,'' Mitsuki remembered, and Katsuki also remembered as this was the only woman version of him that did not want to mount him. And he was grateful for that

 '' I don't know Bro. He doesnt look like the strongest guy out there.'' Kirishima said confused as they looked at Kyoka making very awkward small talk with Izuku. Seeing he was the boy that had saved her from the insanely sized robot that seemed to almost crush her like a pancake during the entrance exam.'' Yeah, remember, Shishida and Tokoyami had great scores during the first-day test.'' Yeah Sure Midoriya wasnt even here that day, But still I doubt he could solo both of them.'' Why dont we wait and see.''

'' I mean, He had 10 aliens right.'' Truth shook his head at Nemuri's question.'' He had 22 at this point. I ain't gonna name them all. But yeah. Bunch of them, With a bunch of abilities.'' Truth said with them truly wondering which aliens he had hidden.

 All Might laughed loudly. A small bead of sweat dropped to the side of his head. He had trained Katsumi for nearly a year. Strengthening her body and personality in order to push oh the will of a hero. But then her cousin came as a take on getting one deal. And All Might saw the complete uniqueness that Izuku's quirk truly was. He was singlehandedly perfectly suited for nearly every situation. While the main part of the test was random. With some fast hand movements of OFA, All Might could try and even the odds even ever so slightly.

'' I mean, of course, he is gonna be suited for every situation. How could you not when you have 22 different powers within yourself?'' Awase said with Truth nodding.'' Just wait until he has access to some of the more insane aliens.'' More insane than that one that was bigger the me.'' Yu said seeing that she was already insanely massive in her quirk, yet Izuku had an alien that would make her look like a smurf.

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