~Free Me~ Part 12

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My mind was swirling with the intensity of pleasure and lust. My whole body, consumed by the sensation of a feeling I've never felt before. His every touch, his every ministration, leading me to the brink of complete ecstasy. My head leans forward as I set my gaze upon him. His mouth ravishing my core like he's been starving for days.

"Hmm... your going to be the end of me Liana"

His rough voice leaves a vibration of chills down my body. My hands instinctively reaches down, grasping his black strands of silky goodness, as if my body automatically begs for more.


A moment of silence roams in the air. I let out a shaky breath as I notice him going stiff, freezing in place. His ministrations halting, leaving my body shivering with frustration and unsatisfaction. Just then, I hear a deep growl emerge from his throat. The sound so sudden and surprising, my body jolted slightly, flinching with a gasp escaping from my throat. His hands tightened their hold on my thighs as he held me in place, as if making sure I wouldn't escape his grasp. My fingers tighten their hold on his silky hair strands as my heart beat increases with an intense feeling of sudden fear mixed with excitement. I don't know what's going through his mind right now, but I can tell it isn't good... or maybe I'm just overthinking. He would never hurt me...right?

"Why did you stop?"

His head shoots up, his mouth withdrawing from my throbbing core. I look down, only to see his crimson eyes piercing through mine with a hint of danger glimmering in them. His voice cuts deep within my soul as he speaks.


His words halt, his breath becoming shaky. Its just then when I notice his fangs growing sharper, his crimson eyes turning carmine, his pupils dilating with a hint of madness in them. My body stiffens with a thrill of anxiety and fear pulsing through my mind. His voice suddenly growls out.

"Liana... run"

My eyes widen as I realize his bloodlust has somehow been activated. His words cutting through my ears like a knife. I feel his hands struggle to let go of my thighs. My instincts kick in and I yank my thighs away from his grasp, rolling off the velvet couch onto the cold floor. I spot a white thin blanket draped over a chair next to the couch and quickly reach for it as my knees almost buckle from trying to stand up in a rush. I wrap the blanket around myself in lightning speed before I heard Darius yell with aggression.

"Damnit Liana! Run! I... don't know why... why now. Just! GO!"

I flinched from his sudden outburst, and before I could comprehend, my feet automatically ran. My mind was pulsing with fear, my breath coming out in short gasps. He was obviously losing himself... but why now all of a sudden?

I ran into the dark lit hallways structured underneath the swirled staircases. I notice the light from all the lit candles and torcs go out in a gust of a strong breeze, like an invisible force of wind casted a darker atmosphere to morph its way into the hallways of the castle. Immediately I take a right turn that led me into a dark and dusty storage room. My eyes stung with tears aching to fall, but I held them back as I bit my lower lip and stepped back until my back lightly hit a dusty wall. My grasp on the thin blanket around my bare body tightened. I turn my gaze to the left, surveying my surroundings. A large casket of old blueprints and books stored into one shelf, a locket closet right next to it and a few cob webs dangling from nooks and cranny's. I force myself to stay quiet as I slide down onto the cold floor. I still tried to wrap my head around what was happening right now? One moment we were having the most wonderful time, the next... he just went- God this is a mess. I whisper shakily to myself with teary eyes.

"I cant believe I'm saying this, but I wish I was home... even if I cant stand to look Delilah in her Godzilla formed face."

My words and thoughts were cut short when I heard a loud and infuriated scream echoing through the castle walls. My body flinches and I lean my head down into my arms as I brought my legs tightly against my chest. His voice was filled with frustration and bloodlust, and for a moment I actually thought my life could be different. For a moment I forgot all about my depressing life. Back there when he kissed me, pleasured me and spoke to me... I felt the slightest rare feeling of something good. Or maybe... this is all just a dream, and I'm just so desperate for something exciting and good that I'm drowning in a deep sleep of endless fantasies.

"Who was I kidding... no matter how good a moment can be, it all turns right back into a damn nightmare!"

I whisper-yell at myself as I curse myself mentally.

Darius' taunting screams could still be heard as I hide away. A few scattering noises of glass breaking against stone walls keeps the tension and danger lurking within the castle. And with every growling scream emerging from his throat, my stomach lurches into a sick feeling of nausea. I curls down onto the floor, holding myself, trying to extinguish the fear in my heart.

I cant remember when, but my eyes lazily closed shut as all I could see was darkness... and the next.. my anxiety finally exhausted my body and mind until I unwillingly fell into a deep sleep. My voice whispered, as I spoke to myself.

"When I open my eyes again...this would have all been just a dream-"


My eyes lazily opens slightly, my head dizzy and my vision a blur. All I could comprehend was the door of the storage room opening and two strong arms lifting me up into a cold yet soothing embrace. My eyes immediately shut closed again as a soft tingle touched my earlobe and a soft whisper resonating through my ear.

"I'm so sorry Liana love. Keep your eyes closed for now darling."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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