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How can someone love their partners too much? Do they forgot that we'll always be alone in the end?

Or do they know about it but pretending to be happy and wait for the end of their story?

It's always started with happy story then the next day... It'll be sad, angry and resentment...

Then why loving too much if u know u'll be hurt some days?


The feelings of loving something and caring for someone... It's making our stomach tingling...

The memories... His laugh, his joke, his smile, his touch and how his eyes squint when he smiles... It's all happy memories...

But in the end, it's all ur heart that feels happy... Not his

When happy memories becoming sad memories... the feelings of lost something and missing something...

Making u feels so lost and don't know what's wrong with u...

Why falling in love if u'll be hurting some days?

Loving too much is so risky... If u die I'll die... If u're sad I'll kill for u... If u're abusing my feelings... I'm sorry..

But then... U'll still leave me..

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