Chapter 94

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Entering the palace through its grand entrance, the Duke of Reston was greeted by the familiar sight of servants bowing respectfully and opening the doors for him.

Since the downfall of the Croychen family, the Duke's mansion had seen a notable surge in visitors. The Croychens, once close to the emperor, had fallen from grace, allowing the Duke's daughter to ascend to the position of empress, accompanied by a young prince.

Furthermore, the emperor had bestowed upon Fritz the title of Lord of the West, dispatching him to govern the western territory. This shift in power dynamics had led the nobility to vie for the Duke of Reston's favor.

Even those nobles who had previously harbored animosity toward him now sought to impress him, offering flattery and gifts in their attempts to gain his favor.

To outsiders, everything seemed to be falling into place seamlessly, like the intricate workings of a clock. Witnessing the restoration of the duke's prestige, his loyal old butler was moved to tears daily.

However, the Duke of Reston was keenly aware that beneath the surface, things were far from simple.

The Duke of Reston pondered the precarious balance of power, acutely aware that the stability and prosperity many enjoyed hinged entirely on the emperor's whims. This newfound peace was largely due to Kaizen's infatuation with Astelle. Yet, the duke knew that if Astelle were to fall from the emperor's favor, the situation could rapidly deteriorate.

Harboring ambitions to depose the emperor before such a scenario could unfold, the duke recognized the necessity of patience. He needed to wait for the perfect moment to act.

'Astelle must maintain the emperor's favor until the opportune moment presents itself,' he reflected.

However, disturbing reports continued to seep from the empress' palace. Rumors circulated that the couple had begun sleeping in separate beds, hinting at a rift that could jeopardize the fragile peace.

"Tsk. Their marriage is still in its infancy," the duke muttered disapprovingly.

Sensing an opportunity in this perceived vulnerability, factions within the emperor's circle schemed to introduce a new woman into his life.

It was rumored that they had already identified a suitable candidate and had sent her to the imperial palace.

One of the nobles involved in the plot hurried to inform the duke. Upon hearing the news, the duke realized he could not remain idle. He swiftly left the mansion, determined to take action.

When he entered the prince's playroom, he found Theor and the Marquis of Carlenberg already there.

Theor was sitting at the table, diligently writing. "This is how I write it," he said.

"You've learned well," the marquis responded, gently stroking Theor's hair. He stopped abruptly when he noticed the duke entering the room.

Theor also looked up, staring silently at the duke. Both of them wondered about his unexpected visit.

Despite being treated as an uninvited guest, the duke approached Theor with a warm smile.

"Our prince, what are you working on?" he asked.

"I am writing what I learned today," Theor replied.

Having recently begun his lessons in court manners, Theor had started addressing his troublesome maternal grandfather with newfound politeness.

Seibel, appointed as Theor's teacher, had written a few sentences on the paper, teaching him grammar to write longer passages.

The Duke mused over Astelle's choice of Count Ecklen's adoptive son as the prince's instructor. Logically, it made sense, yet he still couldn't shake his discomfort.

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