Chapter 1: New Boss

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You have been working in this company for 5 years now. Since then the manager has changed three times.

Today was the day on which the fourth boss was due to start working for us.

Mr. Ford had spontaneously announced last week that he needed a career break and had left without saying goodbye.

"I wonder which greasy bastard will take the throne this time?" Henry, your work colleague but also good friend, and some other colleagues have gathered in the conference room at old Mr. Ford's request.

Henry is sitting next to you. He leans casually in his chair and twirls a pen in his hand.

You shrug your shoulders. "Who knows, really. Anyway, he's late. Do you think I can make it to the toilet before the new boss arrives??"

"I'm just saying, hurry up, sweetheart."

You get up and scurry to the door "Maybe the new guy isn't coming at all. Or the marketing department has been bluffing and they haven't found a qualified person yet." You leave the room.

Outside, you walk purposefully towards the women's toilet.

You have better things to do than wait for a boss who might not even show up. You still have a lot of documents to go through and a customer is still waiting for a call back. You think about calling him quickly so you can get it over with.

As you turn the corner, you collide head-on with someone. Two files fall to the floor.

"Crap. I'm sorry, that was my fault." You had been too lost in thought.

You look at the other person. A woman you don't know is standing in front of you, somewhat surprised. She's wearing a simple black dress, but wow... she has beautiful eyes.

"That's all right. I wasn't paying attention either. Are you all right?" Her blonde hair frames her face playfully. She smooths down her dress. You can't help but stare at her. Her movements seem graceful.

"Yes... Thank you." She starts picking up her files and some loose sheets of paper. "Wait, let me help you." You squat down as well and push the sheets together. As you stand up, you hand her her papers. Her bright green eyes meet yours and your stomach tightens.

"Thank you so much." She takes them. A warm smile crosses her face. You return it and wonder if her lips would feel as soft as they look. "You're welcome. Sorry again for the inconvenience."

She walks past you and you can't help but look after her. You smell her sweet scent.

Her heels clack on the hard wooden floor. She looks so damn good. But you've never seen her here before. The company is big and there are always a few colleagues changing jobs. But you're sure you would have remembered a face like that. And those long legs too.

You have to grin and hope to see her again soon, then you quickly disappear into the women's bathroom.

When you come out of the toilet, you take a quick look at your cell phone. It's already 09:13. You walk a little faster towards the conference room. You secretly hope that the new boss won't be there yet and that the marketing department really was just bluffing.

As you press the doorknob, a sweet scent fills your nose and you can't help but think of your encounter with Miss Unknown.

"...I look forward to a good and productive collaboration." As you open the door and step inside, it became silent. Everyone was looking in your direction.

Shit, what is she doing here? You didn't expect to see her so soon. You blush a little. The woman you bumped into is standing at the end of the table. She is the only one standing. Her posture looks confident. Her hair lies perfectly around her shoulders. The black dress is tight and reveals her slim physique.

Her green eyes look in your direction in surprise, as if she suspects you are lost.

"I'm sorry. I'm late..." You scurry over to your seat and settle down in your chair next to Henry. Embarrassment is still written all over your face. Crap... Is she really your new boss?

"Typical Y/N Jane. Trying to make a good impression right off the bat, huh?" Teresa Violent crosses her arms in front of her chest and raises her eyebrows in disdain. She looks at you with narrowed eyes.

This woman couldn't stand you from the start and it was always mutual. She kept everyone in the office down with her arrogant and smug manner. You swallow your answer and bite your tongue. It wouldn't make a good impression to start an argument now. "Don't listen to her," Henry whispered.

There's a clearing of the throat and everyone looks forward. "Good, for those of you who haven't noticed, my name is Miss Johansson and I'm your new boss. It's unfortunate that Mr. Ford has left us so spontaneously." She emphasized the word "all", which everyone in the room knew meant only you. You feel uncomfortable.

Miss Johansson looks around the room. When her eyes meet yours, you feel a chill run down your spine. That was a great first impression. You sigh.

The fact that she was new here also explained why you had never seen her here before. You slide deeper into your chair. You catch her scent and close your eyes for a moment.

You can still hear Johansson saying something, but your brain can't process the words at the moment. In your mind's eye, you imagine what it will be like with her as your boss... what it would be like to have an affair with her... what she would look like under that dress... what her skin would feel like under your fingers...

"Am I boring you, Miss Jane?" When you hear your name, you widen your eyes. Miss Johansson is looking straight at you. The room is silent. You immediately sit bolt upright. You were dreaming. "No. Sorry."

Teresa giggles from the other side of the table. Another colleague does the same. The blush immediately comes back to your face. "Typical." If looks could kill, you certainly wouldn't be able to stop yourself from looking at Teresa right now.

"However. I'm going to start looking through Mr. Ford's old files today and decide which projects to pursue. Some seem promising to me, while others... in need of revision" She pauses "I expect you all to send me a written overview of the projects you were involved with. You have until tomorrow. So let's get to work."

Miss Johansson takes her documents. Your colleagues stand up and you do the same. You wish you could forget this embarrassing moment as quickly as possible. You wonder what she would think of you. Probably nothing good.

Henry throws an arm over your shoulder as you both walk towards the door. He smiles at you. "You made a good first impression there, love. But with her looks, anyone would have been distracted." He laughs, but you can feel Johansson's gaze on the back of your neck. You're not sure if she heard him. You can't wait to get out of the conference room. "Shut up," you hiss at him and add a quiet "It can only get better from here..." .

You sigh and ask yourself whether this is really the case or whether you're giving yourself false hope. Have you already made a fool out of yourself in front of your new boss? That would be a shame, considering how good she looks. You turn to her one last time. She's still looking at you. Her gaze is unreadable.

Your stomach tingles as you walk out of the room with Henry's arm around you.

Her bright green eyes are already etched in your memory.

If you see any grammatical errors, please let me know. As I said, English is not my first language, but I'll do my best

Hope y'all have a great day <3


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