Chapter 2: Walk of shame

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You sit in your small but comfortably furnished office. Your desk is right by the window and gives you a view of the avenue-lined main street.

You spend the rest of the working day writing an essay about your project for your new supervisor, Miss Johansson.

Hopefully my work will put the first impression I made in a better light.

You sigh and skim the lines on your computer again. Every now and then you add something.

Occasionally you catch yourself drifting off to Johansson and you have to force yourself to focus on the work again.

But will that be enough to make you forget the impression you made this morning?

"Knock knock" Henry pokes his head through his door. "How's it going, dear?"

You sigh again and shrug your shoulders. "I'm not sure."

"Oh come on, you've already made a lasting impression anyway."

He laughs, but it doesn't really cheer you up. "I'm sorry. Do you want to come for an after-work drink? I'll pay."

You look at your watch. It's already after 5 pm. "I'm sorry, but I want to go through this again. Maybe I've missed something."

He nods weakly.

"Next time, I promise."

"All right. Don't take too long," Henry winks at you and closes the door behind him.

You take several deep breaths and get back to your report, forcing yourself not to think about Johansson or her lips. Or what they would taste like...

Stop now! Concentrate, damn it.

The next time you look at the clock, you're startled. 8:26 pm.

I think that will have to do. It's not a dissertation, after all.

You stand up and stretch. After saving your report, you shut down your PC.

You grab your handbag and throw on your jacket.

The office corridor is already dark. It looks like you're the last one here today. Even the cleaner seems to have finished.

Just as you reach the main door and head for the stairwell, you see a light at the end of the corridor.

It's coming from Mr. Ford's former office, which has now been left to Miss Johansson. Is she still there? You think about what to do.

She probably has a lot to do. After all, it's her first day and she needs to find her feet.

Nevertheless, you can't help but walk towards her office and before you know it, you're standing in front of her ajar door looking in. You instantly feel like a stalker.

You hold your breath and catch a glimpse of the generously furnished office.

On the right is a large desk, behind it a wall unit with books dominates the field of vision and opposite is a couch and two armchairs.

Then you see Miss Johansson, standing with her back to the door and looking out of her window into the emerging night.

The city shines in many small lights, together they create a beautiful overall picture.

Your gaze travels along her body, over her shoulders framed by her blonde hair, down her back to her ass.

It lingers there for a moment. The dress is that tight on purpose... isn't it? You swallow hard and carefully step away from her office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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