Chapter 2: The Toy Factory

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Olivia stared up at the sign at the top of the abandoned building. Missy was standing next to Olivia, she insisted she came with her. Olivia sighed shakily. "You know you don't have to come with, right?" She said Missy nodded. "Yeah, I-I just, uh..." Missy fidgeted with her fingers. "Let's just... check it out." Olivia said, turning to face the factory, she sighedai and entered the building with Missy following. They looked around, Missy looked to the left, and saw a door. "Hey Olivia." She said, turning to Olivia, she paused Olivia had a VHS tape in her hand, Missy walked up to her. "What's that?" She asked, Olivia shrugged. "I don't know, let's see." She said, inserting it into the VHS tape player, and looked up to the TV.

(Just listen to the green tape.)

Olivia sighed. "Well, looks like we're gonna brake a... 'few' rules. She said, looking around, finding a crowbar. Missy shifted uncomfortably. "But Olivia, they said the alarms were a tame security precaution, who knows what else is here!?" She said, looking down at Olivia, Olivia looked up at her. (Also, Missy's 5'8, Olivia's 5'3) "Missy, you don't need to come with me, you can always stay in the lobby, plus, this place has been shut down for years, I highly doubt anything electric works anymore." She said, Missy sighed. "I-I know I just..." Missy looked at the doorways leading to the rest of the factory, then back to Olivia. "I just have a really bad feeling about this place- Uh, Olivia? What are you doing?" She asked, Olivia climbed over the spinny things. (No, I don't know what they're called deal with it). Olivia looked back to Missy. "You comin'?" She asked, Missy sighed. "Y-Yeah... I'm coming." She said, stepping over the 'spinny things' and followed Olivia, they found the main room, (after Olivia broke down a door or two with her crowbar) one of the mascots was on a stage. "Huggy Wuggy..." Olivia read out loud, she groaned in pain, and held her head, Missy put her hand on Olivia's shoulder. "You okay?" She asked, Olivia, rubbed her head slightly. "Yeah, it's just... so familiar... I can't put my finger on it though..." She said, she eyed a button, and pressed it and a song began playing.

"His name is Huggy, Huggy Wuggy, when he hugs you,

he'll ne-ver stop"

Olivia chuckled. "I'm surprised this place still functions." She said, Missy shifted uncomfortably. "U-Uh... wouldn't that mean the security still-Olivia are you even listening!?" Missy screeched, Olivia was hitting the door with a blue hand-print above it, with her crowbar, Missy walked up to her. "Olivia, maybe we should go- Eep!" Missy squeaked, when the lights suddenly went out momentarily, and the sound of glass shattering was heard, Olivia paused. "Missy... what was that?" Missy froze. "I-I don't know." She said turning around. "Hey... Olivia?" She asked. "Yeah?" Olivia asked, getting ready to hit the door with her crowbar(Again). "D-Did Huggy Wuggy h-have that key before...?" She asked, Olivia looked back. "Wait-what?" Olivia said, turning around she let her arms fall to her sides, still holding the crowbar just in case. Olivia walked up to Huggy Wuggy, and reached up, just by standing she was up to Huggy Wuggy's hips, Olivia turned her head. "A little help?" She asked, Missy sighed. "Olivia... I've got a really bad feeling about this place." Missy said, Olivia walked up to her. "Missy, I'm not forcing you to stay, you, can leave if you want too..." She said, Missy sighed. "I-I know I just- I don't want you in here alone, who knows what could happen- and you can't even remember the first twelve years of your life
because of this place! And i-it's probably for a good reason- not saying I'm glad you don't remember but- I-I just don't want you getting hurt, especially mentally..." She said, pulling Olivia into a hug, Olivia sighed hugging back, she turned her head slightly, and looked, she could've been seeing things, but she thought she saw Huggy Wuggy's eyes pointed in her direction. She looked back at Missy, and placed her hand on Missy's cheek. "Missy, I promise. I'll be fine." She said, Missy gently placed her hand over Olivia's. "Cross your heart?" She asked, Olivia smiled. "And hope to die." She said, Missy chuckled. "But, seriously, please. Just, don't die, I don't want to lose anyone else..." She said, Olivia giggled. "Okay, okay. I promise." She said, Missy nodded, walking away, slowly letting go of Olivia's hand, and exited the factory. Olivia turned, and grabbed some boxes and crates, and stacked them on top of each other, and climbed up to reach the key.

Sup guys! This is where I'm ending this chapter, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you, in the next chapter. Bye Wolves!


This one wasn't so bad... (I think)

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