Chapter 9 - Reaching out

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Lance had barely slept. The spare bed in Emily's room was comfortable enough, but his mind was a whirlwind of regret and confusion. He replayed the kiss over and over, each time feeling more foolish for his sudden departure and the hurt he saw in Keith's eyes. As the first light of dawn crept into the room, he finally gave up on sleep and got up quietly, carful not to wake Emily.

The morning sun was already bright by the time Lance joined the others for breakfast. The usual laughter and chatter seemed distant, muffled by his thoughts. He glanced around the room, searching for Keith, but he was no where to be seen. Emily was the first to notice Lances troubled expression.

"Lance, you okay?" She asked, concern evident in her voice.

Lance forced a smile. "Yeah, just didn't sleep well"

Hunk and Pidge were busy preparing breakfast, and Matt was setting the table. The comforting smells of coffee and pancakes filled the air, but they did little to ease the knot in Lances stomach. He sat down and picked at his food, his appetite gone.

As the day progressed, Lance noticed Keith's absence more acutely. Keith avoided him, staying mostly in their shared room. Whenever Lance tried to approach him, Keith would find an excuse to leave, his face a mask of indifference that didn't fool Lance for a second

Lunch came and went without Keith appearing at all. Emily ever observant, couldn't help but notice the tension between Lance and Keith. She cornered Lance in the living room, her eyes sharp with curiosity and concern.

"Okay, spill. What's going on between you and Keith?" She demanded.

Lance sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I... I messed up, Emily. Last night, we went for a walk, and I kissed him. But then I panicked and apologised, and now he's avoiding me."

Emily's eyes widened in surprise. "You kissed him? And then you apologised?"

Lance nodded, guilt etched on his face. "I didn't mean to hurt him. I just got scared and acted like an idiot."

Emily sighed, her expression softening. "Lance, you need to talk to him. Explain how you feel. Right now, he's probably feeling rejected and confused.

"I know," Lance said, his voice barely over a whisper. "I just don't know how to fix this."

"Start by being honest," Emily advised. "Tell him exactly what you just told me."

Lance nodded, feeling a mixture of hope and dread. "Thanks Emily. I'll talk to him."
Later in the afternoon, Lance gathered his courage and headed for their shared room. He stood outside the door for a moment, taking a deep breath before knocking gently.

"Keith? Can I come in?" He called softly.

There was a long pause before Keith's voice replied, barely audible. "Yeah, come in."

Lance opened the door and stepped inside. Keith was sitting in his bed, staring out the window. His posture was tense and there was a palpable distance between them that Lance desperately wanted to close.

"Keith, I'm so sorry," Lance began, his voice trembling slightly. "I didn't mean to hurt you last night. I just... I got scared and panicked. But that kiss, it meant something to me.

Keith turned to look at him, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and hope. "Then why did you apologise?"

Lance moved closer, his heart aching at the sight of Keith's vulnerability. "Because i was an idiot. I didn't know how to handle my feelings, and I'd thought I messed everything up. But I care about you, Keith. More than I realised."

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