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~Lego House~ chapter five

I pull Harry into my house and to my kitchen. I grab a cloth and dab it on his lip carefully. He winces

"Sorry," I say and keep dabbing gently as I can. "Harry, why do those boys do that to you?"

He shrugs. "I don't know. Because I'm a loser."

"Stop. Your not a loser. They are. You can easily take them Harry..."

"Your saying I should fight back?" I sigh.

"I'm saying you should defend yourself. If he hits you, it's self defense if you hit back."

"I-I can't." He says looking away. I tilt his chin up to face me.

"Why?" He stands up suddenly and grabs his backpack.

"W-we should go study."

I sigh and decide not to argue. For now. I nod and lead him up to my bedroom.

He instantly opens the books up and begins. About half way into it I Close the book and slide closer to him making his whole body shake. I slowly take his glasses off and sweep the mop of curly hair off his forehead. He swallows hard and looks at me nervously. I smile at him and continue to move closer and closer till our lips were inches apart.

"R-Rynn I-"

"Shut up Harry." I say closing the space between us.

Our lips touch softly connecting with one another instantly. It felt nice. Expect Harry's lips are trembling along with the rest of his body. I giggle into the kiss as I deepen it.

"Relax." I say pushing my gently down on the bed, so I hovered over top of him, never breaking the kiss. Relaxed some but still was pretty tensed. I slip in my tongue and feel him freak out.

"I-I've never one this before." He says embarrassed. I smile and take his large hands, putting them around my lower waist.

"Just relax Harry. It all comes natural." I whisper and connect our lips again.

I'm straddling his waist as my hands tangle in his thick curls.

This time he slips his tongue in first and pulls me down closer to him. He was getting the hang of it.

I start slowly grinding myself on him, by rolling my hip up and down. He moans quietly into our lip lock. Suddenly he flips me over so I'm on bottom and his hands are firmly around my waist.

He started getting more into it. I didn't mind though. I feel his grip get tighter and tighter until it actually starts to hurt. I whimper slightly hoping he'd get the message. But he just continued to kiss me deeper and deeper. His kisses trailed down to my neck, where he suck and nipped the skin.

I whimper more loudly this time trying to push him off slightly. I didn't mind the kissing, it was how tight his grip had become around my waist. It was sure to leave bruises.

"H-Harry," I yelp softly. Nothing. "Harry." I whimper a bit louder.

His jade eyes meet mine and the sweet Harry I knew I don't think was in there.

This Harry's eyes were cold and fierce. Piercing.

"H-Harry, your hurting me." I whine squirming under him.

Then he was back. The sweet living green flooded back into him and his grip loosened.

He seems confused for a minute but then jumps up off me.

"Oh-oh god, not again, I-I, I'm so sorry, go god shut up! Okay, I-I," he rambles.

He then just bolts out of the room and that's that. Uh....what the hell?

I just lay there and try to make sense on what just happened.

He did not look anything like himself before he snapped out of it. That was really weird.

I sit up and pull my shirt up slightly. I could see faint bruises already forming.

It was going on with Harry Styles that everybody else seems to know about, but me.

I was determined to find out.

The next day at school Harry wasn't there. And the next days to come he wasn't either.

I tried asking Casey about it but she played dumb and acted like she didn't know anything.

But I wasn't giving up. I had a plan.

Lego House (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now