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~Lego House~ chapter twenty-two

Harry's P.O.V

I lay in bed with the pillow wrapped in my arms tightly. I know it's weird but I would pretend it was Rynn. Safe and alive with me. Tears threatened to spill but I bit my lip holding them back.

I hear a light knocking at the door and automatically know who it is and what they want.

"Harry?" My mother soothed opening the door. "Harry it's time to go love."

I don't respond and she sighs.

"Harry please. Baby you have to get up. You have to do something."

Still nothing.

"Rynn would have wanted you to come to her own funeral haz," my mom whispers.

I cringe at those two words in the same sentence. Rynn and funeral.

I feel my mom rub my back. She's sniffling so I'm Assuming she's crying. After a minute she stops.

"I laid out something for you." And with that she leaves.

At first I don't move. I just lay there for a moment taking a deep breath before sitting up and finding a black button down shirt with some black slacks.

I peel my old dirty white t-shirt off that haven't taken off in like three days.

I actually strip down naked and wobble to the shower turning on the hot steaming water to the point where it burn my skin. I needed to feel something. Anything.

After my painful shower I flipped my hair back and put on the clothes pretty blankly the whole time.

I came down stairs to find my mom and sister dressed in black as well.

"You look so handsome hazza," my mom said hugging me. I hugged back fighting back tears.

I knew it was going to be open Casket. I-I know they fixed her up enough to make that happen.

We arrive at the funeral home and a lot of people were already there.

I really didn't want to be here. I didn't want to see her. I-I wasn't ready. But I didn't have a choice at the moment.

"Harry," Gemma spoke softly as we were only a few feet away from the casket.

It felt like everything was moving in slow motion as I stepped up closer to her.

Then I see her. I'm right next to a stranger. This wasn't Rynn. Yes the familiar red locks and slight freckles would have fooled me but this once my baby girl.

It didn't even look like her. It just looked like a ghost of a girl I once new. But this was not Rynn.

Her light was gone. It's funny how you don't know how much light people bring until there gone.

Rynn brought so much light that this Legitimately made me believe this wasn't her.

I started to cry. But I only aloud a silent cry. A few tears down my cheek and that was it.

I reached out my hand to her cold clay like one and held it.

I stared at her for what felt like hours. I wanted so badly for that light to restore into her beautiful face and body. I wanted more then anything for her to squeeze my hand back.

But I knew better. I knew that wasn't ever going to happen again. Quit depressing actually.

I feel someone tap on my shoulder suddenly though. That doesn't make me turn around.

"Harry, dude I'm so sorry," this voice made me cringe. Then it made me clinch my fists and jaw.

I turn around swiftly snapping my fist to his jaw instantly. Keegan held his jaw in pain.

"Get the fuck away from her." I growl at him standing in front of Rynn's body protectively.

"Harry-" he pleads taking a step closer.

"Get. Away. From her." I spit at him. My mom and Gemma come up and Keegan just walks away.

I stay by her until the paster is ready to talk.

He talks about her life and how much she'll be missed. That's for fucking sure.

After the funeral people tried to come up to me saying there sorry and a lot of people said it to Rynn's parents. Who were just a mess all around.

But then again so was I.

A couple months later I get a visit from Louis. I haven't gone to school since her funeral.

I didn't know how I could. Everything there would just remind me of her.

"Haz?" Louis asks sitting down next to me on my bed. I'm siting up staring out the window.

"Harry I want you to know something. Rynn...she would have wanted you to be better then this.

She would want you to rebuild your life without her. Come Harry do something! Anything! P-please," he begs. But I say nothing. He sighs frustrated. But then just walks to the door.

"She saved you lad." He says before walking out.

I stare at the door for a minute then stand up. A Spontaneous thought intruding my brain.

I get up and grab my keys running out the door and straight to my car.

I race to the cemetery.

When I get to Rynn's I fall to my knees and sob harshly.

"God I love you so much! Y-you have no idea what you did for me. You helped me believe someone could actually love me. Someone as beautiful as you. You helped me build confidence in myself! You helped me fall in love for the first time. You saved me. Your my Guardian angel.

Always will be. I love you Rynn. Forever and ever.* I sob taking a deap breath.

~fifteen years later~

It's hard to believe it's been fifteen years today I lost her. I gently set the roses down on her grave.

Life moved on for me. I didn't want it to but it swept me away unknowingly.

I always visited Rynn's grave. Every year on this day. My wife and kids waited for me in the car right now. My wife, Lexi, and my two kids, Darcy and Preston were everything to me.

But I come back here every year still. Because I truly believe without Rynn I would have never been happy with a family. I would have still been that nervous geek who didn't talk to anybody and had serious anger issues. But thanks to my angel, I found the strength to over come those things.

She's the reason I have what I have today and even though I miss her like hell I know this is how it's suppose to be. And besides, Rynn will always, always, be my first love.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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