Chapter 12 | Pilot

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"Neither are we."

You all ran forward. And then collided.

You went straight for Bucky.

Grabbing his metal arm that he swung with and kneeing him in the chest.

He swung his head forward and you dodged with his headbutt with a punch to his face, causing it to swing backwards as he groaned.

He lifted his head wiggled his fist out of your grip to throw another punch.

You dodged to the left and his titanium fist collided with your shoulder, sending you flying into a container.

You groaned with pain and sunk to the floor, only to notice Peter holding up a container that had been dropped on him.

You groaned and pulled yourself up, running over to him.

"Hey, Pete, whatcha doin'?" you asked, sarcastically, with a cheeky smirk playing on your lips, as you made your way up to him from behind.

"Are you gonna help me or just stand there and make snarky comments all day, Ronnie?" he asked, shaking his head as his arms began to shake under the weight.

"Oh my God, I told you not to call me that." you said, rolling your eyes and raising your eyebrows.

"Actually, all you did was roll your eyes. Which is not a no. So, I took it as a yes." he replied, cheekily. You could tell he was grinning childishly under that mask.

"Oh, just shut up." you said, as you made your way over to him, to help him get out of that mess.

Something was playing on your mind. Those eyes. His eyes.


After helping Peter you ran back towards the main area where you had all started fighting in.

You noticed Natasha on the floor groaning in pain. You ran straight over to her.

"Hey, hey. Nat, you okay?" you asked, crouching down next to her, one knee on the floor.

"Oh, hey. Yeah, no, just got flung into the side of a wall... I'm good." she said, holding up a sarcastic thumbs up.

You laughed and held out your hand whilst standing up.

She got up and was holding her stomach so you put an arm around her shoulders, supporting her standing.

Just as you were about to suggest you pack it in and leave it to all the super-humans, T'Challa came running over to you.

"Ladies," he nodded his head respectfully as you both, "Barnes and Rogers are making their way to the Quinjet. We need to act fast."

Nat looked at you at the same time she did, you nodded knowingly as that look twinkled in her eyes.

You both knew this had gotten out of hand. This was no way to handle the situation. It didn't matter who was right or wrong anymore, all that mattered was there was no blood shed.

You two would help T'Challa find them but you would let them go. You had to. You had to let them go. You had to let him go.

"Okay, we better get going." Natasha said, breaking eye contact with you to look at the King.

"This way." he said, before he started running towards the warehouse where you had landed the Quinjet.


After running for a good 5 minutes T'Challa stopped, and you both caught up with him.

"You two make your way to the Quinjet, I shall make my way to the Captain and his friend. If I fail at stopping them do not let them get to that Jet." he said, informatively.

Are we too young for this? | A Y/N Stark x Bucky Barnes FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now