The Sacrifices For Perfection

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We open up on a classroom with raven standing up with a flabbergasted expression and we hear a raspy laugh that makes briar jolt up from her sleep.

???: you heard correctly raven queen.

Said a troll on the table with a really raspy voice.

Apple: professor rumpelstiltskin, this is totally unfair.


Ashlynn, who was sitting behind apple spoke up

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Ashlynn, who was sitting behind apple spoke up.

Ashlynn: you can't test us on chapters 1 through 34

Dexter,who was sitting on the right of ashlynn spoke up.

Dexter: we've only studied upto chapter two.

Cedar, who was sitting on ashlynn's left spoke up.

Cedar: i cannot tell a lie and well that's not very nice.

Y/n: yeah, Mr. Rumpelstiltskin, is that even allowed?

Instead of answering rumpelstiltskin just laughs.

You, raven, apple,blondie, brair, ashlynn,cedar, hunter, dexter and daring were all sitting in the student lounge at night.

Blondie: you guys don't know about professer rumpelstiltskin, at the beginning of each year he gives a insainly hard test, his students have to ask for hextra credit, which is just spinning straw into gold for him.

Cedar: the test is tomorrow morning,look I'm totally getting stress splinters.

Cedar held out her arm that had a few splinters on it.

Brair: well, i could tutor you guys, I've been studying on my own for like forever after.

Ashlynn: royally cool!

Ashlynn complemented.

Brair yawned and said in a sleepy tone.

Briar: ok, let's start with the basic elements....

Brair fell asleep.

Apple poked brair but to no avail.

Cedar: if we can't wake up brair we're totally gonna fail the test.

You stood up from the couch.

Y/n: well, good luck.

Raven: your just gonna leave us?

Y/n: yeah, I'm not the whole "group study" kind of guy and with daring here i can finally enjoy some peace in my dorm.

Raven was about to say something but apple beat her to the punch.

Apple: which is why you should get going.

Apple shuffled you out of the lounge.

Apple: bye

Apple said with a wave and toothy smile.

You waved and walked away, raven narrowed her eyes at apple but quickly snapped out of it to the mission at hand: wake up briar, which is easier said them done.

(screen flip transition)

Dexter and hunter slam books closed next to brair's ears but she didn't wake up.

(screen flip transition)

Daring flashed brair with his smile but she didn't even twitch, not even when her sunglasses fell from her head to her eyes.

(screen flip transition)

Blondie pressed a button on her mirror tab and a holographic bear came out of the tablet and roared at brair but nothing happened.

Everyone just looked at brair in aw or nervousness.

Dexter: man, if only she took studying as seriously as partying.

With that a idea sparked in raven.

Raven: that's it!!

(screen flip transition)

Raven turned on some music on a speaker which made brair rise up from her sleep.

Brair: hey, guys, what's up?

Brair said like nothing happened.

Raven: you! Finally... (raven said sarcastically)... But now you have to stay awake and help us.

Brair stood up.

Brair: well there's one thing I'm always up for, a study party.

Brair exclaimed as everyone cheered.

(screem flip transition)

Brair was standing infront of a screen which had the table of elements.

Brair: the basic elements: pixie dust and dragon fire.

Brair touched the icons, pixie dust sparkled and dragin fire erupted flames.

The camera zoomed out and showed a full party, disco ball, lighs, music, etc and everyone was dancing repeating after briar.

Everyone: pixie dust and dragon fire.

Everyone giggled and laughed.

The laughs and giggles echo as we fade transition to you in your dorm room on your bed.

Y/n sighs.

Y/n (thoughts): sounds like there having fun, maybe I could.. NO!!! I'll will get distracted, foucs, they don't need to prove themselves, i do.

(screen slide transition)



Everyone was taking the test when rumpelstiltskin spoke up.

Rumpelstiltskin: Time is up, let's see how you fail... (the papers floated of the students desk and flew to the professer)... raven queen: A, apple white: A, cedar wood: A...

Rumpelstiltskin continued as the study party and you got A's.

Brair: never underestimate the power of a study party.

Brair and dexter high five.

Y/n: gotta say I'm impressed.

Raven turns to you.

Raven: does thisean you'll give the study parties a chance?

Y/n: I'll think about it.

You and raven smile at each other as rumpelstiltskin's cries of dispair can be heard in the background as the screen fades black.

And remember

The end is just the beginning.

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