Rise of The Dragon Hunters: Forbidden Friendship

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Hey guys, i just wanted to say that the updates are gonna get much, much less frequent because my school is gonna start in a few days, actually by the time this comes out, I'll be in school, so i hope you understand.

Just saying! I'm not canceling or stopping, I'm just slowing down, i promise that i won't stop until this is completed. Trust me, i have an ocean's worth of ideas.

Ok, now enjoy!


Male narrator: another beautiful day at ever after high but some could not enjoy this peaceful Saturday...

We zooms from ever after high to all the way over to the steep-walled canyon.

Male narrator:... And our hero is one of them.

You peek out from behind a boulder and toss a fish a few feet away from you.

You scan the steep-walled canyon for any sign of the night fury but you didn't see any. So you stepped out and walked over to pick up the fish but stopped when you heard a growl.

You slowly looked up and saw the night fury perched on a rock, staring down at you.

You slowly stepped back as it stepped forward

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You slowly stepped back as it stepped forward. You eventually bumped into a rock and couldn't go any more back. The dragon sniffed the fish on the ground and then growled, it looked at you and then took a few steps back before sitting down.

You tried to stand up but the dragon growled so you sat back down, you tried this a few more times but all ended the same way.

We pan up to show the afternoon sky which fades to the night sky. We pan down to show the both of you sleeping in the same positions as before.

One of your eyes opens to see the nightfury sleeping. You slowly stood up and moved behind a rock and pulled out an animal medical kit.

You slowly tip-toed towards the dragon and sat down beside it, you saw it had multiple scars on its body. You felt sad for the dragon even if it did tried to eat you.

You opened the med-kit and slowly began to patch up its wounds, being fairy careful as to not wake it up.

After a few minutes, you closed the kit and stood up, you took out a measuring tape and measured it's tail and wrote it down in your diary.

You walked back to the boulder and sat against it and drifted off to sleep since you didn't have to worry about getting caught breaking curfew because you stuffed bunch a pillows under your blanket to make it look like you were sleeping.

We pan up to see the night sky which fades into the morning sky and we pan down to see the nightfury slowly waking up.

The sound of chirping birds and splashing fish were the sound the night fury woke upto, it blinked a few times before it woke up fully, it stretched and yawned like a cat and stood up but it felt something all over it's body, it turned it's head to look at it's front left leg and saw it had a bandage on it. Actually there were bandages all over it, on its wing, front legs, Back legs, tail everywhere.

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