21: A Question of Trust

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Is it possible to feel like you're both floating on a cloud and sinking to the depths of the ocean at the same time? I wonder as the limousine driver makes a left turn

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Is it possible to feel like you're both floating on a cloud and sinking to the depths of the ocean at the same time? I wonder as the limousine driver makes a left turn. Because that's certainly what it feels like sitting in the backseat with Bay, just an arms-length away from touching.

Like I can't breathe, and also have never felt more alive.

"Yep, we're going to be late. Of course," Nigel grumbles, scratching something on his ever-present clipboard. Annoying as he can be, I'm secretly grateful that he's seated directly facing Bay and I. It distracts me from thinking about the way that Bay was looking at me when he said, "Let them stare," as if he was almost...hungry.

I shake my head. My number one goal tonight is to not let myself get carried away. Despite what Teresa had said, I sincerely doubt that Bay had any ulterior motives when he asked me to accompany him to the Homecoming Dance. Especially after how we left things at the lake. In all reality, Bay probably knew that if he didn't ask me to be his date, he would have been forced to take Reya instead. The thought should make me feel relieved, but somehow it doesn't.

"This is platonic," I whisper under my breath, hoping that if I say it out loud my heart will believe it.

"What was that?" Bay asked, and I realize that I was looking at him while talking to myself.

"Oh," I say, stumbling over my words. "I was asking if...if there's anything in my teeth?" I grin and show him all of my teeth like a total idiot. "Do you see anything?"

He squints. "No, I don't think so. You're all clear."

"Cool." I fold my hands in my lap, trying not to do anything else to draw attention to myself. But Bay must read my silence as discomfort, because he leans over and lowers his voice.

"Look, Jess, I know that all of this kind of came up last-minute. I don't want you to feel like you have no say in going to the dance. If you'd rather I take you back home, we can–"

"No!" I say a little too eagerly, and it takes me a moment to realize that in my earnestness I'd reached out and grabbed Bay's hand. We both look down at the same time, but neither of us pulls away. "I...I'm honored that you asked me to go, and bought me this amazing dress." I force a conspiratorial grin. "Also, I have to admit that I'm just as eager as you are to mess with Reya. That was genius of you. Totally worth a night out hobnobbing with people I can't stand."

Bay's face falls the tiniest bit before he slowly slips his hand out from under mine. "Oh, yeah. Glad you think so."

But before I have time to really investigate the sudden change in his energy, the limousine driver turns into the bus lane of South Chickasaw High School. All at once, a million memories flood through my mind, varying wildly in pleasantness.

"I can honestly say that I never pictured myself coming back here," I grumble, staring at the faded brick exterior of the former gymnasium-turned-auditorium. A few people in gowns and tuxedos stop their mingling and look up expectantly, obviously interested in who might be inside of the limousine.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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