Chapter 1: That Stupid Book

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Mmmm, my bed is so comfortable, now this is a really good sleep... wait. This is too good of a sleep. I jolt out of bed and hurriedly check the clock on my phone. 9:23. Shit! I bounced off my bed and threw off my sleeping shorts in one swift movement, as I make my way towards my drawer. Yanking out a Radom pair of jeans, I begin to put them on. Halfway up my legs, my memory comes back to me. School is over. I sigh to myself feeling a little stupid for how frantic I was, but ultimately excited that I can finally laze around on a Monday.
Throwing the jeans back in the drawer, I jump back on the bed, not bothering to put the shorts back on. Taking out a book, "Rely on Only Me", I open to the book-marked page. Miranda, a friend from college lent it to me, saying a character in the book has the same name as me. So far, the book has been morally AWFUL. Like shit. You can tell it was written by a man. But for some unknown reason, I felt compelled to finish reading it- maybe because of this little coincidence, maybe because I had little hope in me that the ending would do justice for this terrible book.

In the book, the main Character is a man named Peter Lucas. A rich play boy who relies solely on daddy's money, who is conveniently  "chiseled with fluffy blonde hair and shining blue orbs". Give me a fucking break.
Getting accepted to Winston University ( a highly prestigious fictional school), he instantly becomes the talk of Winston, with all the girls swooning over him. One girl in particular, is the villainess of the story, Carmen Moore. Of course the character with my name is the villainess. Carmen, who is also rich, is stuck up and bratty. She shamelessly chases Peter, and Peter, who loves attention from women, leads her on with promises of dating her, but in reality he just wanted sex. He is no stranger in doing this, with many other girls at his disposal.
But one girl particularly caught his eye. Heidi Dawson. Not rich, but smart. She got into Winston with a full ride, and her gpa never dipped below a 4.5. She was breathtakingly beautiful, and peter felt a need to conquer her, but who knew that she would only reject Peter's advances.
Carmen, on the other hand saw Peter's fascination, got jealous, and started bullying the female lead. Peter always came in just at the right time, and saved the damsel in distress. Heidi warmed up to Peter, but just as a friend.
Peter, who couldn't handle being friend zoned, schemed to frame Heidi for cheating on an exam, which ultimately took away her full ride scholarship. He swooped in when Heidi was frantic, and pretended to be concerned, offering to pay for her tuition (later using it as leverage for sex).
Not knowing Peter was the one who framed her, she saw Peter as her savior, and finally fell in love with him. Carmen couldn't take this, and tried to murder Heidi in a fit of jealousy. But in the end Heidi prevailed, killing Carmen in the process.

"The fuck??? This book belongs straight in the damn garbage!"
Too bad she had to return this book to Miranda, otherwise it would've already been set to flames for how stupid it was. If she was Carmen in the book, she would never even fall for that asshat in the first place, let alone kill for him, even if she wasn't a lesbian. As for Heidi, how could she not realize that Peter framed her? Wasn't she supposed to be genius or something? It's not rocket science.
Whatever. Let's just go return that book to Miranda so that I never have to look at it ever again.
Luckily, Miranda's apartment was right across the road from mine, so I don't even have to drive. Stepping into the road, I feel something is off, like spidy senses or something. But I don't really care, just focusing on getting to Miranda's house.  *HONNKKKKK*
Startled, I whip my head around to face the sound, and before I can react I feel a collision impacting my body, and my vision goes black.
Fuck. I'm dead aren't I. Why does my head still fucking hurt when I'm already dead? Wait...
I groggily wake up, my head thumping.

"Carmen, wake up! You've slept in enough, you're first class at Winston won't wait for you."
Winston... what?
I turn my head to look at the middle aged woman. She had dark brown hair, cut in the fashion of a bob, and she was sporting a stern look on her face that had a few wrinkles here and there.
Looking at my surroundings, my head starts to spin. In a strange bedroom bigger that the whole of my small apartment, I had no idea where the fuck I was. Or who this strange woman is.
"Carmen don't you dare ignore me!"
"W, what's your name???" I glanced at her uneasily.
"Carmen what are you on about? Don't you recognize your own mother, Gina Moore?" She gave me an amused look, like I was pulling her leg.
"Okay, enough with the jokes. Get ready for class at Winston today, and don't be late." The woman rolls her eyes as she makes her way out of the room.
Gina Moore?? Winston?? Winston isn't even a real fucking University!! It's just a made up one from that stupid book! That stupid... book. Gina Moore, the mother of Carmen Moore in the book. Wait. Am I in... that stupid book...?

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