Nobody's Fool

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Tom waited at the gate, looking at his watch anticipating Wayne's plane. He looked back at the men that came with him. Tom couldn't believe he was in this shit again, he was tired of it and Bill didn't understand just how tired. Bill was still in the hospital, comatose and organs failing. Tom could barely see his brother laid up in the bed, tubes keeping him alive. He would need several transplants and Bu's new album was blowing up. He did have to pay for Bill's expensive surgery, Tom hated every story he saw. God, how could they think Bill just decided to overdose. Bu knew exactly what to say to make Bill do something like that. Tom admitted that he was the one that didn't go to Anis' house and grab his little brother.

He watched the plane land from the large glass windows and adjusted his sunglasses on his face. Wayne was here, time to get to work. It wasn't enough to get Bill back, they had to destroy him. Wayne was driven to the gate, seeing Tom immediately at the entrance. Tom directed him to a car, the two of them being driven by the large men Tom had greeted him with.

"So what's with tweedle dumb and tweedle dee?"

"Protection. Anis is going to learn you are here. I cannot have you killed before we do this," Tom replied, handing him a lit blunt.

"Aight, so what am I doing here?"

"I will tell you more at my apartment, I had to make calls I have not made in years."

"You got connections, huh nigga?"

"I know people," Tom nodded he could barely follow but he tried his best to listen. Wayne looked out the window and watched the buildings pass in the distance. His body still hurt from getting kicked repeatedly, rubbing the bruised skin with rough hands.

"I'm gonna kick the shit out of him. So he can feel what this shit feel like."

"Anis has Germany under his control. Only because I have allowed it. No one knows who I am," Tom stated. "You have to promise that when this is over you will not request this of me again."

"I only needed your help in case the nigga bring other boys," Wayne shrugged, passing the blunt back. "You should focus on making sure Bill will be okay after this."

"I know that is my job, you do not have to tell me," Tom replied, darkly.


Wayne requested to see Bill first, just to be sure he was even still alive after the overdose. He barely was, a tube down his throat running his breathing functions and many other tubes and wires keeping him alive. He didn't have his usual brightness, even paler than he normally was.

Wayne looked down at Bill in the bed and growled under his breath. Anis was a sociopath, he liked getting a reaction out of others and pretending he wasn't doing it. He got Wayne attacked because he wanted Wayne to fear him. Wayne only feared one person that walked the earth and that was his mama. He would confront Anis and beat him into a bloody pulp, then he'd shoot the motherfucker in the head. Double tap to make sure he never breathed another breath again.

He kissed Bill's forehead, stepping out of the room and mere inches from Tom. The older brother was glaring at the shorter man. He was going to go inside but seeing Wayne being so delicate with his brother upset him. If he didn't love his brother, what the fuck was it?

"Are you done visiting him?" Tom asked. "You are sweet on my brother."

"It ain't like that," Wayne smirked. "I don't like niggas that beat on soft hearts or victimize people. I got Chris locked up in the hotel room with Cortez and Mack. I sent them ahead of me."

"It will not be easy what we are doing," Tom frowned. "It is not enough to kill him. The public must believe he deserved it or we will be punished severely."

"By who, nigga I'll kill that motherfucker and be on the next plane outta here. They ain't putting my ass in another cell."

"Fine. We have to bring Chris to my uncle. He has gotten us a favor with Devyn."

"Devyn, who the fuck is that?"

"He is the person that allowed me to keep hidden in the mob," Tom frowned. "Despite having a major role in the family."

"How did Bill end up Bu's property? That's what I wanna fucking know," Wayne snorted.

Tom scanned the area and sighed, telling him they'd talk in the car. The drive was nearly silent, Tom tapping a cigarette out in the ashtray. He looked at Wayne and told him they'd speak in the house. He wanted to be sure anything he said wouldn't be able to held against him. Wayne rolled up four more blunts in the car and smoked two of them by the time they reached the apartment.

"We will talk upstairs," Tom said, turning to look at two men sitting in front. "Thank you for driving us."

"Of course, anything for you sir," the driver replied.

Tom got out of the SUV, giving Wayne the time to grab his duffel bag. He followed Tom upstairs and tossed the bag onto Tom's carpeted floor. Tom opened two beers and handed him one, taking a long swig. With a wipe of his mouth, Tom looked at Wayne and sighed.

"Our father was the original leader of the Magdeburg family, and he died in a freak accident. I know the Ferchichi family had something to do with it," Tom explained. "They appointed Anis the new head of the Magdeburg family and now here we are. Our father apparently owed them a lot of money and Bill was the trade off."

"And you knew this shit? Why didn't you pull him out or pop Anis off?"

"Because what would happen to Bill if I did that? Bill could die and it would have been my fault," Tom sighed. "The stakes were too high, I had to make sure my brother remained safe. So I did jobs for the Ferchichi family, in exchange they would keep my brother safe."

"Jobs, what kinda jobs? Like putting people in body bags and shit?"

"I have hurt a lot of people and Bill does not know I did this for him. He never will know because you will not tell him."

"It's none of my business," Wayne shrugged.

"Good. Once we meet with Devyn, I can tell you which action we should take. Germany is not like America. There are rules to even mob engagement."

"Fuck that, let me kill Anis and I'll just leave. They won't need to come after me."

"As I said earlier it is not that simple. The Ferchichi family has enough power to make people disappear and the government will sign the agreement," Tom sighed. "He can kill you and not have to worry about being arrested."

"So what? We gotta make the mob hate him and turn on a nigga because that'll take too fucking long," Wayne cursed.

"No. We have to ask for permission to kill Anis. Once we have it, anything we do is up to us."

"Fine, nigga, when is the meeting?"

"In a month," Tom deadpanned. "Devyn is out of the country."

"What the fuck? He ain't got email or something," Wayne exclaimed.

"No. Do not worry, this does not mean we cannot still work. Anis is going to have a meeting soon, we are going to intercept. Can you ride a motorcycle?"


Wayne looked down at the motorcycle he mounted, it was all matte black even down to the hardware. Tom said it was to blend in with the night, they left his garage and tracked Bushido's SUV leaving the studio. Tom carefully lead the following caravan after the dark vehicle. Anis sat in the back seat, smoking a cigarette and checking his phone.

Wayne pulled up on the left side of the vehicle, Tom on the right. The driver noticed them and tried to escape the box in.

"What's going on out there?" Bushido asked, not looking up from his phone.

"Just some jackasses on motorcycles. I'll drive faster to avoid them."

Tom and Wayne took their weapons from behind their backs and shot into the windows of the car. The driver was shot in the head and died instantly, sending the car into a tailspin. It flipped repeatedly, Anis being flipped around in the car. It came to screeching halt on the asphalt, Wayne and Tom leaving the turned over vehicle in the distance.

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