Enormous Penis

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Scene cuts to shining armor being lonely in his room

Shining armor:🎶 whenever life gets you down...🎶

Shining armor:🎶 keep you wearing a frown...🎶

Shining armor:🎶 and the gravy train has left you behind...🎶

Shining armor:🎶 and when you're all out of Hope... Down by the end of your rope 🎶

Shining armor:🎶 whenever you get so low that you don't know which way to go...🎶

Shining armor:🎶 come on and take a walk in my shoes...🎶

Shining armor:🎶 never worry about a thing got the World on a string... Because I got the cure for all of my...Bluuuueeees...🎶

Scene cuts to outside of his room

Emman: hey Shining open up! What are you even up to-*gets cut off by Shining armor because he gets the door slammed in front of his face*

Shining armor:🎶 I take a look at my enormous penis!!🎶

Big Mac:*sees him without his pants* OH GOD!!!!

Olivia:*looks at Shining* AH!!! PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON SHINING!!!

Shining armor:🎶 and my troubles started melting away!🎶

Background group:🎶*scatting*🎶

Shining armor:🎶I take a look at my enormous penis and the happy time are coming and to stay!!🎶

Background group 🎶 scatting

Shining armor:🎶 I got to sing when I dance when I glance in my pants and it's feeling like a sunshiny daaaaaay!!🎶

Shining armor:🎶 I take a look at my enormous...🎶

Background group and shining armor:🎶peeeeenis!🎶

Shining armor:🎶 and everything is going my way!

Background group:*scatting*

Shining armor:🎶*starts whistling*🎶

And shining armor went outside and was walking without any pants

(*Musical encore!!*)

Shining armor:*walking without any pants on*

Guy#1:*covers his kids eyes*


Julie exe:*walking and sees Shining without any pants on* AHHHH!!!! *her lava texture turns green*

Shining armor:*start scatting*

Background group:🎶*scatting*🎶

Background group and shining armor:🎶 Peeeeenis!🎶

Background group:*Scats a little bit more*

Shining armor: EVERYBODY!!!😃

Background group and shining armor:🎶 I take a look at my enormous penis!!🎶

Shining armor:🎶 and my trouble started melting away!🎶

Background group:🎶*scatting*🎶

Background group and shining armor:🎶 I take a look at my enormous penis!!🎶

Shining armor:🎶 and my happy time to come and to stay! 🎶

Shining armor:🎶 yeah I got great bigger amounts in the place where it counts and the feelings like your sunshiny daaaaaay!!!🎶

Background group and shining armor:🎶 I take a look at my enormous...🎶

Background group and shining armor: 🎶 Peeeeenis!!🎶

Shining armor:🎶 and everything is going my way! 🎶

Background guy:🎶 my trousers monster.🎶

Shining armor:🎶 everything is going my way. 🎶

Background Guy#2:🎶 my meat is murder.🎶

Shining armor:🎶 everything is going my way.🎶

Background guy:🎶 size Doesn't matter. 🎶

Shining armor:🎶 everything is going... MY WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!🎶

Background group and shining armor:🎶yeah!!🎶

And then they finally got done singing and everyone's eyes was on fire

Shining armor:*puts his pants back on* great job guys!

Shining armor: We should really do this song in front of Jimmy! 😁

I hope you like this musical moment!! And if you did please give it a vote and a good comment! That's all for now folks!! And Emmanuel out!! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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