Season 1 Ep. 4

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Location: Chris' family home

[3rd POV]

Chris, Chuck, and a few members of the F.F.R. (Freedom Fighters Resistance) are gathered in Chuck's workshop, located above the garage. Swift, Sonic and their friends have told Chris how they got to Chris' world. Although the young boy didn't quite understand it in completely.

Chris: I understand now that Chaos Control caused a warp in time and space, and that's why you all were flung over into this world. ... But I still don't understand these Chaos Emeralds you guys are talking about.

Tails: You never heard of the Chaos Emeralds? Boy, you really do have a lot to learn, don't ya?

Mania: What's there to be confused about? The Chaos Emeralds are the Chaos Emeralds and nothing else. It's not that complex, even an infant can figure it out.

Amy: Each Chaos Emerald is filled with a magical power, so you can imagine what would happen if you found all seven!

Sally: There's a legend that says if you gather all seven Chaos Emeralds, the entire world will be yours.

Sonia: But there's no proof of that ever happening. So who knows where that legend even came from.

Chuck turns around in his chair to face the Mobians.

Chuck: From how it sounds, no one has found all seven Emeralds, and now it's highly improbable that anyone ever will find them. In the end, the legend ended as a legend.

Cream: Did it end?

Chuck: I guess it's ended the moment the Chaos Emeralds disappeared.

Sonic: They haven't disappeared.

Swift: And even if they did, that doesn't mean they're gone for good.

The others turn to them, some more confused than others.

Sonic: After the seven Chaos Emeralds are brought together, they scatter all over again.

Swift: Ensuring no one can use their power for nefarious purposes.

Chris: You make it sound like they're alive.

"Razor": In a complex way, they are.

Chris jumps away as "Razor" spoke up, mainly since he originally wasn't in the room.

Chris: Stop doing that!

"Razor": My apologies.

Sally (thoughts): Really need to put a bell on him.

Sally shakes her head and sighs. Mania and Sonia giggled at the accidental scare he caused.

Chris: But from what Sonic and Swift said, it sounds like they're all still out there someplace!

Sonic and Swift give a thumbs-up.

Sonic: That's right.

Swift: Although hunting them down is another task entirely.

Tails: But we don't know where they've scattered to; our home world or this world here. If they're on this planet, that's good; but if they're still on the planet we came from, we may never get home!

The room goes quiet, while the mood goes sour. That one fact sat heavily in the minds of the Mobians.

"Razor": Even if we are to be stranded ... at least our home will be safe from them. They will be able to rebuild ...

"Razor's" hands close tightly into fists, unintentionally cutting his skin due to his claws. Chris noticed and tries to lighten the mood.

Chris: If they are somewhere in this world, if we search, find all seven Emeralds and cause Chaos Control once again, you can all go back to where you came from. Right, Sonic?

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