Season 1 Ep. 6

114 7 0

Location: Chris' family home

[3rd POV]

It is early morning, and Sonic is standing atop the roof of the garage. Next to him stood "Razor", who was simply watching the sun rise on the horizon. Suddenly Sonic leaps down from the roof, and takes off running towards the sun. A moment later he runs back and heads to the front door of the garage. Amy opens it, just as Sonic comes to a stop.

Amy: Where have you been?

Sonic: Just out for a walk.

Amy: Just for a walk?

Sonic: Yup.

As Sonic walks inside, Amy sighs and looks at him.

Amy (thoughts): He's so mysterious ... well maybe not on the same level as Razor, but still mysterious nonetheless.

Amy closes the door and follows Sonic upstairs. Atop the garage, "Razor" continues to watch the sun rising into the sky. A sense of familiarity, washing over him. Inside the house, Chris is eating breakfast. Ella walks in with a bowl of fruit, followed by Tanaka, who is on the phone.

Tanaka: Thorndyke residence ... very good, sir. Yes, I'll give Chris the message.

Tanaka hangs up and looks over to Chris.

Tanaka: Mr. and Mrs. Thorndyke will be coming home this afternoon to see you.

Chris: Mom and Dad are coming home? Wow, Ella, they're coming to see me!

Ella: What a nice surprise! Isn't that great, Chris?

Chris: I wonder how many months it's been already. I mean it's not even my birthday! ... Uh ... uh-oh ...

Tanaka: Is something bothering you?

Chris: No, it's nothing. I'm done. Can I go now?

Chris stands up before anyone can answer him, and begins running off, despite there being plenty of eggs and a whole sausage link still on the plate.

Chris: It was delicious, Ella. See you later!

Ella: You haven't finished eating you-

Yet Chris had already left the room. Ella blinks in surprise before turning to Tanaka, who looks at her.

Ella: Hmmm ... something is up with that boy.

Tanaka: I see what you mean, he has been acting quite strangely, since the night he saved a few cats.

In the garage, Chuck and the F.F.R. are also enjoying their breakfast. Chris is standing nearby. He has his backpack on.

Chris: I've gotta go to school, so I'm counting in you guys to stay out of sight when my parents show up. If Mom and Dad find out about you, it could be trouble. So ...

Tails: Gotcha. No problem.

Mindy: We understand. We'll hide.

Amy: Yeah, sure! You can count on us.

Bunnie: Don't worry sugar, it'll be fine. You'll see.

Chris lets out a sigh of relief.

Chris: It won't be for long. Mom and Dad's visits have to be short, as they both have busy schedules. So I'm sure they'll leave right away.

Sonic and his siblings finish their food and gets up to leave. Chris takes note and looks at them as they leave the room.

Chris: Guys?

However the group of hedgehogs ignore him, and soon they are gone. Chris becomes a tad upset at this.

Chris: Are they angry at me? Did I say something wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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