Chapter 2

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Birdie exhaled as the long walk back from school was absolutely exhausting. In the icy cold weather, it was almost worse. She arrived back at the house feeling the warmth from the inside and instantly she saw her uncle.

"Birdie Hunter, why are you walking round without a jacket?" Caleb asked as Birdie chuckled.

"Because I left it in Layla's car and she went out with the Miller sisters and the I.E club," Birdie said as Caleb threw a blanket over her shoulders.

"In front of the fireplace, now. I'll make us some hot chocolate," Caleb said as Birdie sat down on the soft rug in front of the fire.

Rubbing her hands against one another, Birdie watched as her uncle was busy preparing hot chocolate. She smiled while remembering a very early scene of her childhood. The day she came to live with him.

"Uncle Caleb?" Birdie asked.

"Hmm?" he replied.

"Do you ever regret taking me in when I came here?" Birdie asked as Caleb shook his head and walked over to her.

"Not for a single moment, honey," he said handing her a steaming cup.

"The people love to say that I made a mistake with you. It was right after Margaret had died and Layla was still so young. But I knew if I didn't do it, you wouldn't have anyone. And I didn't want that for you," Caleb said.

"And now? Do you regret it now, ten years later?" Birdie asked as Caleb shook his head.

"Never, and I never will," Caleb said.

Dearest reader,

The story of how Birdie Hunter came into the lives of Caleb and his daughter Layla was no story to be taken lightly. One day, the man simply took his daughter to the closest park to their house, it had happened right after his wife Margaret had passed and both were struggling immensely to deal with the loss, when they came back and found Birdie with her suitcase on the porch.

The news had hit Caleb the hardest that his sweet little niece was standing on his front porch. Caleb didn't say a word to his daughter that day, but rumors has it all the man did was crunched down to Birdie, and picked her up in his arms. Holding her tight, he had whispered: "It's okay, baby. You're safe now."

Whether or not the man knew that he would forever take care of his niece the fact wasn't made aware of, but he had never complained.

Raising her like his own, Birdie became part of their family, and grew her own voice across the loss that both she and Caleb had experienced. And ten years later, the little girl was turning sixteen soon and nobody knew how she grew to be who she had become.

But one thing Caleb knew:

His niece was now all grown up and found that voice that was so hidden.

What would happen forward only time would tell.

Of all bitches dead or alive, a scribbling woman is the most canine."

If that should be true, then this author would like to show you her teeth.

My name is Lady Lavender.

You do not know me, and rest assured, you never shall.

But be forewarned, dear reader,

I certainly know you.

"Layla Kate Hunter!" Caleb yelled at his daughter reading a piece of paper, causing her to jump.

"I know, I know. I should have given Birdie her jacket back before I went off," Layla said as Caleb looked at his daughter.

"I asked you so nicely to do one thing today – to make sure your cousin gets home safe because the weather is absolutely terrible. She was freezing when she got here, Layla," Caleb said as Layla scoffed.

"Wow, Dad, the way you're going on you would swear Birdie is your daughter," Layla said.

"You have a father. She doesn't have anyone besides you and me anymore. When your grandma Stella past away things changed," Caleb said.

"I'll be a better cousin," Layla said.

"Now, what are you reading?" Caleb asked as he sat down next to Layla as Birdie came down the stairs watching the father-daughter duo.

"Lady Lavender," Layla said.

"Lady Lavender? Another gossip sheet?" Caleb asked as Layla shrugged her shoulders.

"Lists people by name in full. Seems to know a lot about Birdie's past," Layla said.

"Everyone in this bloody town apparently thinks that they know her story. They don't. Not as well as they think they do," Caleb said as he looked at Layla.

"You and Birdie are my pride and joy, both of you. Never forget all of that," Caleb said.

"We won't. I love you, Dad," Layla said.

"I love you too," Caleb said.

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