chapter 1

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Amy left the house at 5:00 to go on a walk in the woods. She got to the woods entrance, feeling weird, but she kept walking. Plus, it was getting dark out anyway, so she only had little time for the walk. When she got into the woods, she felt like she was being watched, but she thought she was just tripping. She kept walking until she heard a man's voice in the woods. 

"I see you". Came from a mysterious voice not too far behind her.

She didn't see anyone, but she saw a flower with a letter attached on the tree. She walked up to it picked it up and opened it. The letter was a white card and what looked to be blood stains on it. she unfolded the letter.


I'm behind you

At this point she is so far in the woods she didn't know what to do. She had a phone, but she didn't know where she was as well as no service, so there was no point trying to try to call for help. Then, she heard footsteps behind her so she started to run.  While she was running, she tripped on a stick.

"fuck." She said in her head.

He was right behind her. The man grabbed her by the ankles. 

He laughs . "Haha! I got you. No where to run now, you're coming with me now.

"No, I'm not! Let me go now!" She kicked him in the balls, so she got loose but not for long... 

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