chapter 3

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The man starts to get closer to Amy and chuckles.

"Just let me go!" Amy yells at the man.

"And why would I do that?" He says in a serious tone.

"Because this isn't right!" Amy tells the man.

The man chuckles at her. "If you think I care what's right or wrong, you're stupider than you look." He says as he sits down in front of Amy. 

"Get away from me!" The man grabs Amy's face, making her look at him ''Stop telling me what to do! Let go of my face!" Amy struggles. 

The man laughs. ''I like how you think you're in charger, little girl. Thats cute." 

"Shut up." Amy tells the man as he grabs her chin

 ''You're getting annoying. Shut your mouth." The man says sternly

"No!" Amy yells. "I won't! Maybe you should let me go."

The man gets closer to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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