A tale of hope and loss

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Newts twelve year old sister Lilly had just been brought up in the box. When she emerged her big blue eyes filled with fear and confusion, newt couldn't believe his own eyes. He rushed to her, wrapping her in a tight hug. He hadn't seen her in what felt like years and the sight of her brought a mixture of joy and sorrow.

"Lilly" he whispered, his voice cracking. "I never thought I'd see you again"

She clung to him, tears streaming down her face. "Newt where are we? What is this place?"

"It's called the glades he explained gently pushing her hair behind her ears. "It's not safe here but I'll look after you I promise."

Life in the glade was hard for anyone, let alone a 12 year old girl, the gladers, particularly Thomas Minho and Alby tried to make her feel welcome.
They set her bed up newts but and assigned her to light duties, like helping in the kitchen with frypan.

Gally, ever the skeptic, wasn't thrilled about having a young girl in the glade. "It's dangerous enough as it is without having to look after a kid"
He grumbled to alby one day

"She's newts sister" ably replied firmly. "We protect our own"

Despite the hardships, Lilly started to adjust. She found solace in small routines like feeding the animals and helping tend to the gardens. Thomas often took time to sit with her and tell her stories about his own life before the glade, though he could remember little. These moments provided her with a sense of normalcy in an otherwise chaotic world.

Lilly was curious about the maze, the massive lybrinth that surrounded the glade. She often watched as the Runners Minho newt and Ben ventures out each day to map its ever-changing corridors.

One day she mustered the courage to ask Minho, the keeper of the runners about it . "What's it like in the maze?" She asked her eyes wide with curiosity.

Minho looked at her thoughtfully. "It's dangerous, Lilly. Full of creatures called greivers but it's our only way out"

Lilly nodded, her resolve hardening. "I want to help you. I want to find a way out"

Minho smiled sadly. "Maybe someday. But for now you stay here and stay safe."

As days turned into weeks, a sense of dread began to settle over the glade. The greivers attacks where becoming more frequent and the runners where returning with fewer answers and more questions. Tension were high and everyone felt it.

Lilly tried to remain optimistic, often comforting newt when he came back exhausted and disheartened, "we'll find a way out" she would say, her voice steady, " I believe in you"

But the darkness was growing, both in the maze and within the gladers themselves.

One fateful night, the unthinkable happened. A group of gladers, led by gally, who had always been more paranoid than the others, decided to take matters into their own hands. Convinced that Lilly was somehow a spy or a pawn in the 'creators' plans, they kidnapped her while newt and the others slept.

When newt woke up to find his little sister missing, he was frantic. "Where is she" he demanded his voice raw with panic

Thomas, Minho and alby quickly joined the search, but the glade was vast and there were many places to hide. It was Ben who eventually found her, tied up and scared, in the forest beyond the homestead.

Gally stood nearby, a torch in hand. "She doesn't belong here" he spat "she is a danger to us all"

"She's just a kid" Thomas shouted, stepping forward "let her go"

A fight ensured with newt and Minho wrestling Gally and his followers to the ground. In the chaos Lilly managed to free herself and ran to her brother, sobbing.

"I'm so sorry lil" newt whispered, holding her close, "I'll never let anyone hurt you again"

The betrayal left the gladers fractured, but it also solidified their resolve. They could no longer wait for answers. They had to find a way out of the maze.

With Lilly's safety always in the back of his mind, newt joined Thomas and Minho on a daring expedition deeper into the maze than they had ever gone before. They faced numerous dangers, from greivers to collapsing walls, but their determination never wavered.

Back in the glade, Lilly waited anxiously, helping where she could and praying for their safe return.

After days of navigating the maze, newt Thomas and Minho discovered a hidden passage leading to what they hoped was the exit.
They raced back to the glade to gather the others, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and hope.

"We found a way out" Thomas announced, his face flushed with excitement. "But we have to move quickly. The greivers are closing in."

With little time to spare, the gladers prepared to leave. Lilly stayed close to newt, clutching his hand tightly "I'm scared" she admitted

"I know" he replied squeezing her hand, "but we'll get through this together"

The journey through the maze was harrowing. The greivers where relentless, attacking from all sides, the gladers thought bravely but they lost many of their own along the way, alby and Ben where among those who fell, sacrificing themselves to ensure the others could escape.

when they finally reached the exit, a sense of relief washed over them. But it was bittersweet, marred by the loss of their friends and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

Emerging from the maze the survivors found themselves in a stark, barren landscape. The world outside was not the paradise they had hoped for, but it was freedom and that was enough for now.

Lilly looked up at newt her eyes filled with hope "what do we do now"

"We survive" he replied his voice firm "and we find a way to rebuild"

Hand in hand they led the group into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. The journey had been long and painful, but it had also forged unbreakable bonds and a resolve to fight for a better future.

As they moved forward, the memory of those they had lost remained with them, a constant reminder of their price for their freedom. But they also carried with them the hope that someday, they'd find peace and build a new life.

For newt, Thomas, Minho, and especially Lilly the road ahead was uncertain. But together they were ready to face it, their hearts united by the trials they had overcome and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

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