Before the Game

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Lorna sat on the sidelines watching the team practice. Her eyes were on Christopher, the tall, handsome and extremely popular brown-haired guy of the team, not the best player - but certainly the most attractive! The coach blew the whistle and the practice game was over, it was 5:50pm and 10 minutes before the game started, the team members could get a rest or socialise with the already arriving spectators. Nicky saw Lorna sitting on the side and thought this would be a perfect time for her to get to know one of the cheerleaders, and she made her way over towards her.

She made eye-contact with Lorna, and smiled awkwardly at her... But Lorna smiled back regardless. When she got there she sat down beside her, and waited a few seconds before speaking. "You excited for tonight?" She asked, Lorna was confused at first... "What's happening tonight? Is there a party or something?" Nicky wasn't sure if Lorna was being sarcastic, or just generally was clueless to what she was referring too. "No! The game silly! You excited for the game?" She explained. "Oh yes! The game! Of course I'm excited! It always gives me some time to watch the boys..." She smiled, starring at Christopher again. Nicky's heart sank, the first cheerleader she ever spoke to and it turned out she was a straight girl. Dang, she needed to pick her women more wisely, but alas she knew it'd be rude to just leave and also knew that there has never been a straight girl she couldn't turn gay, well at least a straight girl she couldn't turn bisexual anyway. "Oh um sorry, I forgot to introduce myself... I'm Nicky" she said, holding out her hand so Lorna could shake it. "Oh haha, I'm Lorna. Nice to meet you Nicky! God, you're lucky... Being the only female in a team full of guys, gosh you must have them all on their knees!" She said, somewhat jealous of Nicky. "Ha yeah, on their knees when I kick them in the balls!" She laughed to herself, referencing what had happened earlier. Lorna just awkwardly looked away... "Oh, oh, that... that must be fun!" She smiled, sarcastically. "Oh well.. I have to go now... Back to the cheer squad... Um... Um.. Good luck on the field tonight I guess, I'll be cheering for you!" She said, and got up. "Nice to meet you by the way!" She said as she went to leave, "Yea... Nice to meet you too..." Replied Nicky, running back to the team on the field.

"Haha, I saw you talking to that cheerleader girl!" Smirked Ryan when she returned. "Oh yea, but one problem - she's straight!" Nicky complained to him. "Look, if there's one girl who can make good girls go bad it's you Nichols!" Finished Ryan, and he nudged her in the ribs suggestively. "Eh, look - I'll try, but she's obsessed with Christopher!" She said, unfortunately loud enough so that the real Christopher could here her. "Did someone say my name!?" He turned around, looking in her direction. Nicky didn't like him too much because he was the only person between her and the ladies, but she was extremely confident and saw this as a chance to get on his nerves.. "Yea, it was me knucklehead! I was just talking about you and how I fucked your brother, or was it your sister? Perhaps it was your dog? I can't tell it difference between them!" Christopher aggressively pegged a ball at her, which she caught before it hit her. The rest of the guys chuckled. "Look here Girly, I'm sure most of the women would disagree with your opinion on how attractive my family is, pity I can't say the same for you..." He sneered, walking over to her. However, as per usual when she got in an argument with any of her male teammates, she just kneed him in the balls again to shut him up. "Yeah, it's also pity you don't have hard-enough balls to be the best player on this team!" She said to him, the other boys now bursting with laughter. He was obviously very offended with this, she was female, she didn't have balls, yet she was still the best player. "Look Nichols, after tonight's game I'm gonna show you a thing or too about respecting men. You're female, why are you on a field? Go cook us dinner or something and wash our uniforms!" He yelled at her angrily, although he was the only team member with these sexist views and the rest of the guys just ignored him or told him to shut up. Just at that moment, the coach whistled and everyone made their final preparations and started to make their way onto the field.


Next chapter will be added soon! Also, I will put this on as well tomorrow!

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