𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐲! (6/14/24)

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10:22 pm

Today has been a LOOONG DAY!! And I feel like crashing as I did drank some light roasted coffee. Yes, and I was sooooooo HYPED UP!!! LITERALLY!! I have been talking a mile away throughout the ride home. And I didn't have any until after I went to my eye appointment, which I did mention about my twitching eye and the doctor told me that I should definitely drink more water and get enough sleep, meaning no more getting up early in the morning. I know that will be hard, but I'm willing to try my best to do this.

Anyways, back to the story of me and the coffee. Yeah, I got hyped up and couldn't stop talking a mile away. I also was bringing up memories of the past and was getting all giggly...or to say I was laughing a lot. And when I got home, I was still talking. Hours later, my left eye started to twitch a bit and then my right eye. I panicked. And the doctor told me that my eye was totally normal. But man, I couldn't figure out why my eye twitching isn't going away. Branch then mentioned to me about me having caffeine and boy, that hit me hard. I did have coffee, which did cause both my eyes to twitch. And I just crashed not too long ago.

And I told myself that I don't want coffee anymore...okay, maybe until my eyes stop twitching. I'll probably have to wait for a month or so.

So, that's the story. Here's the question and song of the day:

Day 14: If you could spend a day in someone else's shoes, who would it be?

If I could spend a day in someone else's shoes, it would be Bruce. I would like to know what it's like for his life, especially when it comes to his family.

Song of the Day:

It's time for me to go to bed. I definitely need some sleep. Night-night!

-Floyd ❤️

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