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One week later

My feet sore , My eyes red , and my ego broken. I sighed , unlocking my apartment pushing in the front door. Throwing my keys on the front table , i plopped face first on the couch.

I was once one of the best in the world and now im a nobody , my fathers image of me complete ruined.

"Mama" his voiced caused me to rise , a smile plastered on my face. I did this all for him , After italy . I Promised to stop ,but it isn't exactly easy to find a job when all i know is how to kill people , so i decided to get back in the field one more time. "Hey baby" I cooed picking up my almost 4 year old. "i hadn't noticed , yall were still here ." i spoke to the sitter motioning to the clock that read 12:05Am.

"i know but he really wanted to be here whenever you got here , but i really got go" my eyebrow raised at lucy's uneasy demeanor. my eyes sought out her brushed wrist before she closed the door. "Stay here , baby"

Grabbing my kitchen knife , i began to search the house , lucys wound was fresh no later than a couple of hours and She'd stated she'd been here the whole time.

Checking room but room , there was nothing.

Nobody at least.

"I guess a false alarm , Dec" I sighed heavily placing the knife back into the holder . My hands dig into my granite countertop, my head low.


"I thought i taught you to always throughly check places" his voice deep , causing memories to flush.

"touch it and he dies" my hand dropped as i turned around the meet his dark green eyes , Declan seemed so calm in his hold , like he'd been here before .

"come sit" he motioned to his lap.
"how'd you find us." i gulped sitting down on him , declan on his other leg. His hand wrapped around my waist pulling me closer.
"It seems anyone we'll crack , if you push them hard enough. Poor jere" he sighed.

My anger rose , my hand met his neck pushing hard against it "what'd you do to him" i cried .

Jere was newly 18 just learning the ropes of this world , his mother had forced him into. "Mommy stop your hurting Daddy" Declan cried clawing at my hand.

"he is not your father" i spat at declan , causing him to fall back. "you shouldn't talk to him like that"

"I am gonna slit your throat" it wasn't a threat , it was a fucking promise.

"Dec , Me and Daddy" i gritted my teeth at those words. "Need a little alone time , How about you go next door to Ms.Mack" Ms.Mack was like a grandma figure to Declan she loved him like her own. We both watched as declan walked across the hall , making his way into the poor old lady's house.

closing the front door , i felt his presence behind me , waiting for my first move. He'd never hurt me first , unless i provoked him. "Come on Alysha" he sighed against my neck , his hand slowly slid up my inner thighs rubbing aganist them. "I wanna fuck you like the slut you in ur own house as you beg me to stop , but you know that you have to pay for what you did.

He grabbed my shoulders making me face him , "it wasnt what you thought it was and you of all people should know that"i cried . "And declan" my demeanor changed at his answer "Declan?" i questioned.

"you broke the contract , over and over Aly" he sighed , almost feeling bad for me. "i loved you but you played with my feelings . you used me to get your stupid platform... declan was a mistake and we were a mistake and you need to leave." his hand cuffed my check.

"Declan comes with me." He pushed me out the way . Before he could open the door i grabbed his wrist pleading . "No , Angelo".

"I am trying to keep him away from this horrible world we were both born into." He grabbed me harshly pushing me aganist the wall. "You were to be my wife and bare me a child and I BROKE YOUR HEART?" he yelled causing me to flinch . "Your All i think about Alysha, Since the day i meet you and Now 4 fucking years later , i haven't slept nor thought about a women since you left me at the alter and FUCKED MY FUCKING BROTHER" he bashed his hand against the wall near me. "I-"

"for all i know declan isnt mine but i need a child to take my fathers position" he moved me out the way , storming into the hallway.

I didn't chase after him , i slowly slid down the floor , crying into my hands.

"If only he knew the truth"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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