Beginning-2 [Part 3/4] [Brent and Meggy's POV]

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•Meggy's POV•

My head felt dizzy when I woke up, was it the after effects?...I got myself up, I realized this is isnt castle but more like feild full of dead grass 

(it was crunching and also no where near Vernias and Mario)

 I looked beside me as an unconscious dude with a crown and where overalls and he looked like luigi, I tapped him on the shoulder as he woke up, I wonder if that was a good idea or not.

He woke up in a weird way, looking around to see that he wasn't home either, he looked at me and screamed a bit.

"Who are you???" He said in a loud but normal voice,

I told him my name was meggy and that I'm no harm, he understood that and he stood up and lead me a hand.

"My name is Brent, Nice to meet you Meggy." 

He gave my a hand shake as I also gave him a hand shake  we decided to talk about where we were, I questioned why were we here and why us, I hope the smg4 crew is alright back at home...

•Brent's POV•

I found this woman in the feild, she was calm so I had to be calm, we became cool with each other, we talked about stuff like being more stable then are friends and how we are freinds with the least stable ones which we liked, we also discussed that it would be a good idea to go together and get out of this place.

I'm not a simp or anything but I agreed with her idea as we set off to where we were going.

We were going to the path we agreed on and we set off to find home.

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