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Meg's POV
we got done with lunch and although the food was so good, wasn't good enough to make me not need an orgasm.

Tey:okay your home, nice house by the way.

Meg:thanks I had a great day today thank you for that.

Tey:Im honored to have spent it with you.

Meg:I have to go now but I'll message you later?

Tey:not if I message first.

Meg:I smiled brightly knowing she was indeed going to message first.

Tey:see you later

Meg:see you, I say entering my house heading straight to my room in my toy drawer taking out my rose. I pulled down my pants after turning on the toy. I got in bed spread my legs and got to work. After I was done I was still aurosed but it'll have to do. *Picks up phone*

Phone Convo
Meg:hey you were trying to call me?

Tey:Yh I figured you were sleep so I just left it alone.

Meg:oh yh I...I just got back up, I lie biting my nail.

Tey:that's cool, you left your wallet in my car do you want me to bring it or you gonna wait till tomorrow.

Meg:it's late and we are far apart so you can bring it by my office tomorrow.

Tey:okay well you know what to do, drop the adi and I'll be there.

Meg:okay have a good night Tey.

Tey:once you good I'm great baby girl, so you have a good one an I'll be fine.

Meg:you are such a flirt.

Tey:only for you I am, anyway Imma let you go but if you need me call me ight.

Meg:I will, I say hanging up with the biggest smile on my face. Time to freshen up. I rip myself out of all my clothes heading to the shower of course not before stopping in front of my bathroom mirror admiring my now growing baby bump. 7 weeks and 3 days still very surreal that I'm actually pregnant. Especially for Tey.

Out of Shower

Meg:why are you in my HOUSE get OUT.

Jhene:hey chill don't be stressing my baby out I just came to check on my sister.

Meg:what do you want?

Jhene:money pleaseeee, I mean you asked.

Meg:how much?




Meg:I'll send you 8 to get out.

Jhene:I'll take it, but before I gooo where you been all day?

Meg:minding my business something you should try.

Jhene:ohhh you been out witcho HUSSBAANNDDD ouh that girl just know she fine.

Meg:first of all she not my husband and second of all we just went to get something to eat after the ultrasound.

Jhene:so did y'all get back together? Please tell me yes? I mean if it wasn't for that big silver back gorilla looking muthafucka you woulda had a ring and a baby on the way.

Meg:That was 2 months ago.

Jhene:They say lesbians do move fast.

Meg:not that damn fast.

Jhene:anyway soooo? What's tea?

Meg:we did say we were gonna try again.

Jhene:oh there is a gawd

Meg:I will make it 10 if you leave now.

Jhene:make it 20 I'll give your key.


Jhene:thank you, I say throwing her key I'm moving in with Lani btw.

Meg:you just swung the shit outta me.

Jhene:love you too, I say running out.

Meg:finally I'll have piece and quiet, I lye down in bed remembering everything me and tey once shared. The good, The bad, The messy and Sexy thinking will we ever get back to that again.

Few moments pass
Meg:*calls tey*


Meg:hey are you busy?

Tey:not busy enough what's going on?

Meg:nothing I just got bored.

Tey:oh you want me to pop by?

Meg:neh I guess I just wanted to hear you talk.

Tey:well you got me, what you doing.

Meg:in bed what else?

Tey:I don't know maybe if you ft me I can see.

Meg:just say you wanna see me.

Tey:fine I wanna see you

Meg:I smile switching my camera over to ft.

Tey:that's way better.

Meg:well you can stop talking now I'm about to go to sleep.

Tey:damn you call me to sleep?

Meg:yes now sush, I say fixing on my side not before setting her up on the night stand.

Tey:okay good night, I say muting my side since Im in the studio. Less than 24 hours back together and she can't get enough of me I love it here.
Wassup y'all new chapter hope y'all enjoy.


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