Chapter 2- A few new faces

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I woke up the next morning with he worst migraine. What had happened the night before? And why was I half naked? So many questions little answers. I slowly sat up in bed looking at my phone. Six missed calls from Jacob, fifteen texts also.. well shit I fucked up last night. I read the messages, some said I was selfish, others said that everything would be okay? Like seriously, what the fuck happened. I called Jacob while brushing my teeth, he picked up on the second ring. "Hello?" Jacob answered sleepily. I spit out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth. "Hey, what happened last night?" I asked wiping my face. I heard Jacob stretch. "Well, you denied me for the fourth time this week and I got tired of it." He said yawning. I licked my lips tasting the vodka from the night before. Did I? That's weird. "Oh, did I? I must have been plastered." I laughed running a hand through my messy brown hair. I heard him sigh, and shift the phone. " Hey Teagen, I'm going back to bed alright?" I sighed rolling my eyes playfully. "Alright, I'm sorry about last night. I love you." He replied with love you too and hung up the phone. Well then..


It had been like 3 hours, and Jacob still wasn't awake. Huh he must be pretty hung over. I slipped on a pair of sweats and Jacobs sweat shirt. Damn he smells good. Pulling on my converse and grabbing my car keys I head out to my car. It's a good ten minute drive to Jacobs house. Which gave me ten minutes to listen to 21 pilots. Oh how I love them. I was pulling into Jacobs drive when I noticed something strange.. there was a white 1970 chevelle in his driveway. What the fuck? Who's here..? Parked in my spot. I parked on the side of the street and got out. As I walking by the white chevelle I looked in the back seat. Huh, a skateboard, a bong, some condoms. Probably one of Jacobs friends stayed or something. I walked up to the front door, turning the handle. It wouldn't turn. What the hell? He locked the front door? I sighed taking out the spare I barely ever used. I inserted the key, turning the handle. Walking in I immediately noticed the empty whiskey bottle on the couch. Huh, they must have drank a lot after he left. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and a few Advil for Jacob. Heading back to his bedroom was a breeze, a few pieces of clothing, some shoes, pants, boxers, panties, bra. I stopped, a bra? I laughed nervously to myself. The assholes stole my panties and bras. What pervs. I pushed open the bedroom door, slowly making my way to the bed. I smiles seeing Jacobs messy curls under the covers. I sigh brushing his bangs back, I never noticed what soft skin he had.. I ran my fingers through his hair, wow his hair is getting softer too.. and he looks slimmer.. I heard the bathroom toilet thinking it was Jacobs friend. I turn to hear Jacobs voice at the door. "Teagen.." He said softly. I looked at him confused.. "Jacob?" I stared back confused. He approached me slowly.. reaching out his hand. "I can explain.." I stared at him horrified. What the actual fuck. I looked back at the sleeping figure. I pulled back the covers, revealing a sleeping teenage girl bare naked. I grabbed her out of rage by her hair, throwing her to the floor and pinning her by her throat. "Who the fuck are you?!" I screamed. She struggled to get up. I let go of her throat grabbing her hair. She began to cry and run towards Jacob. I grabbed her hair again. "Who the fuck are you?!" I yelled at her. She screamed for Jacob. And he stood  a few feet away. I threw her to the floor throwing some covers at her, and pushed her toward the living room. She stood in the doorway crying. I turn towards Jacob. "Who. The. Hell. Is. That." I said pointing my finger towards her. Jacob bit his lip nervously. The black haired girl slowly walked towards Jacob. "Get any fucking closer and I'll rip your throat out you tramp." She stopped looking at Jacob angrily. "Who is she?" She asked. Jacob began to talk, but I cut him off. "I am his girlfriend." I said angrily pulling Jacob next to me. Jacob stumbled across to me. The girl looked a bit taken back. Jacob squeezed my hand by I dropped his. I turned to him, pushing him hard. "Who the fuck is she." I demanded. Jacob slowly breathed out. "Her name is Erica." He said calmly. I growled looking at her. "Where did you come from?" I said stepping towards her. She cowarded back. Jacob grabbed my hand. "She's from the next town over. I met her last night, after I left." He said nervously. I yanked my hand free. I stared at him horrified.
I looked back at the naked girl then Jacob. "You're disgusting. And we're done." I said punching him in the face. He held his bloodied mouth and nose. I looked at him disgusted. "Fuck you Jacob." I turned towards the girl named Erica. "Get the fuck out of my way." She stepped to the side slowly, too slow. I grabbed her throwing her towards Jacob. "I said move." I started towards the door. "Teagen." It was Jacob. "Don't you fucking talk to me. How many times have you done this?" I said angrily. He stopped talking. "Every time you didn't get your dick wet?" I said angrily. He looked away. I opened the front door looking at the boy who had my heart. "I love you." He said approaching me. I pushed him back. "No you don't you disgusting pig." He stared at me. I opened the glass screen door. Heading towards my car, I heard him running behind me. He grabbed my hand. I right hooked him in the nose, then in the eye. "I said were done. Fuck you Jacob." I walked past Ericas car, kicking her side door and her mirror off. "Hes all yours, bitch." I jumped in my car speeding away. Fighting the tears driving towards the outskirts of town, I only had one person on my mind. I pulled into Maple Grove Cemetery, going to the very back rather quickly. Jumping out of the car not even caring about it still being on wasting gas. I walked four graves back to under the beautiful cherry blossom tree, and the oldest willow in Carter Ohio. I fell to my knees crying. "I need you. Why does this have to happen." I cried punching the ground. I read the headstone. " ' Here lies Elizabeth Marie Sloan. Loving wife, sister, and mother. May she rest in piece.' " I cried harder throwing my arms into the sky. "I fucking hate you!". After crying for about fifteen minutes, I looked at my mother's headstone. Looking at the quote. " You'll get your happily ever after. You'll get your chance."

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