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Red. That was all I could see when I closed my eyes. Once again, that red-haired vixen invaded my thoughts, her gray eyes locking onto mine with that infuriating smirk on her pink, kissable lips. The beast inside me stirred, more excited than ever, but that excitement only fueled my anger. As I opened my eyes, they landed on the terrified gaze of the King's spy. His heartbeat quickened, and I couldn't help but smirk. I loved seeing fear in people's eyes—it satisfied me. That same fear, I longed to see reflected in her gray eyes.

I knelt down to his level, watching as his breath hitched in his throat.

"Let me give you two options. First, tell me who sent you, and I'll let you go. Second, you can join your partners in hell," I said, glancing at the bodies lying motionless on the floor, soaked in their own blood. When I turned back to him, he was trembling.

"P-please, let me go! I just want to go home!" he dared to scream, which only darkened my mood. I pulled out my favorite dagger and plunged it deep into his injured leg, drawing a louder scream. But oddly enough, I found no pleasure in it. My mind wandered to her again—to how she might scream if I were inside her.

Focus, Sukuna. I had to shake off the distraction. My eyes snapped back to the spy, now choking on his own tears. His weakness tested my patience further. Grabbing a fistful of his hair, I yanked his face close to mine.

"This is your last chance, fucker. Who sent you?" I growled, but what I saw in his eyes confused and enraged me—terror. His body trembled even more, both amusing and puzzling me.

"I-I can't... Sh-she... She'll kill me," he stammered, voice breaking just before his eyes closed for good. I released him, standing up and glancing at my friends, who wore the same confused expressions. Geto stepped forward, checking his pulse.

"He's dead," Geto confirmed.

"I never thought the King's men could scare someone to death," Gojo said with a smirk.

"I don't think it was the King. This feels like something else... someone more powerful," Megumi mused.

"Hmm... could be a woman. He said 'she' would kill him," Geto added thoughtfully.

Great, I thought bitterly. First that gray-eyed witch, now this. I hated these feisty women.

"Still lost in thoughts of her? Or was it love at first kick?" Gojo teased with that annoying smirk of his.

I shot him a glare. "None of your business. Focus on figuring out who's behind this, or I'll end your life next."

Of course, that bastard just laughed. "Aww, Suku, you look cute when you're angry."

I clenched my fists. "Call me cute one more time, and I'll show you how cute your blood looks on my fist," I growled, storming off for a smoke, my mind a mess.

The last thing I heard was Gojo's parting shot: "You sure that kick to the balls didn't mess with your brain?"

The cold wind hit my face, momentarily calming me as I dragged deeply on my cigarette, savoring the burn as it filled my lungs. I closed my eyes, seeking peace, but found none. All I could see was her—those gray eyes, blazing with a fire strong enough to burn my soul. Her plush lips, curled into that devilish smirk, challenging me. I wanted to wipe it away in the most sinful way possible. I could almost feel her full breasts in my hands again. That sinful little woman had captured the beast's attention, and he was excited. That made me furious.

I took another drag before crushing the cigarette under my boot, just like I wanted to crush that vixen's ego. The thought excited me. Too much. I felt my pants tighten and cursed. Damn that little vixen.

Pulling out my phone, I dialed a familiar number.

"Ready your best whore. I'm coming."

At Sin's Club, all eyes were on me as I walked in, and I couldn't help but smirk. The manager quickly approached and guided me to the VIP room. But as I neared the door, a painfully familiar voice caught my ear—her voice. The witch.

I turned around, only to see a couple making out. Shaking my head, I dismissed it and stepped into the VIP room, where a woman in red lingerie awaited me. She had a decent figure, but she stirred nothing in me.

"Kneel," I commanded as I sat on the couch like a king. She moved between my legs, pulling out my painfully hard cock.

"Suck. And don't touch me. Just your mouth," I ordered. She obeyed, like a starving bitch, and I gripped her hair tightly, thrusting deeper into her mouth. But despite her efforts, I felt nothing.

Then, the door opened.

Who dared to enter?

My eyes locked onto a familiar pair of gray ones. But something was different. Her face was pale and swollen, her eyes red from crying, makeup smudged and lipstick smeared across her face. She was trembling, clutching a vodka bottle, her breathing erratic. 

My gaze flicked between her and the woman still kneeling in front of me. Before I could say anything, she followed my glance, and Valentine reacted first.

"Get out," I barked at the woman. She blinked, trying to feign innocence, but it didn't work.

"GET OUT RIGHT NOW!" the vixen commanded, her voice sharp and deadly, even in her disheveled state.

The woman left, throwing a dirty look at Valentine, who just smirked and flipped her off. This girl.

Then a loud sob echoed in the room. I thought she was about to start some more drama and wondered what game this vixen was playing now. But what froze me in place was her sudden leap onto my lap. Her trembling arms wrapped around me in a hug so tight I nearly choked. Was this some new tactic to suffocate your enemy?

Then her words snapped me out of my confusion: "Every-one left me, Suku."

Suku? Who the hell is Suku?

I felt her full weight slump against me. No, no, she couldn't pass out on me, especially when she smelled like a distillery. Damn, she reeked. And then, the last thing she whispered, "Save the princess from the darkness, Suku," made no sense at all.

What princess? What darkness?

She passed out, leaving me with more questions than answers, and an awful stench to go along with it. Which game was this little vixen trying to play now?

 Which game was this little vixen trying to play now?

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