Reader x Shredder • HEADCANONS

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Word Count: 2,914

Sleeping in Bed Together
• Shredder showers before bed every night, allowing you to join him if you would like to
• He places his armour on an armour stand in the corner of the room.
• On hot nights, he just wears shorts to bed. On cold nights, he'll wear full pajamas.
• The bedroom light would be off a while before either of you actually got into bed. He's used to walking around in the dark and you're used to the layout of the room, so neither of you have an issue accessing anything in the darkness.
• You'll lay in bed together, your head on his chest and your nails grazing over his collarbone soothingly. His hand will brush up and down your back gently.
• You'll kiss each other goodnight and wait for slumber to take hold.
• When he's feeling very cuddly, he'll roll onto his side and fully hug you, or spoon you depending on how cuddly you're feeling. • If he's in a deep sleep, his large build may end up crushing you for a bit but hey, gotta love man titties right?
• If you have a pet, he'll only let it sleep on your side or at the foot of the bed. You're the only being that's allowed to take up his space, nobody else!
• Some nights he'll chatter in his sleep, usually due to a nightmare, but whenever you mention it to him, he'll completely dismiss the whole idea of it.
• He snores a little loudly but you've gotten used to it over time. At this point you feel sad when you don't hear his snoring at night.
• If you've been crying or had anxiety or panic attack before bed, he'll rest on elbow and rub his finger tips along your thighs and arms soothingly. He'll give you little kisses of reassurance every now and again.
• If he's gone to bed upset or angry, he likes it when you do the same for him, maybe just hold back on the kisses lol (he might bite).
• Whatever noises you make in your sleep don't bother him at all, just hope you don't accidentally kick him Imao.
• If you have tics before going to sleep, he'll ask what's on your mind (worried you might be feeling anxious or too active to sleep). He's not one for late night conversations but if it helps tire you out, he'll do it

Doing His Makeup/Skin Care
Shredder has a lot of free time when he's not meditating, tending to the Foot, at meetings, or training Karai. Of course he has many other responsibilities, as all adults and super villains do, but he does have plenty of time to relax. After meeting you, his free time was filled with a few other activities..
One of which being beauty and skin care-?!
• it usually takes a lot of convincing to get him in the mood to participate in these activities. While he does enjoy spending time with you (which he's already very gruff about showing affection), he feels silly playing with makeup and skin care and oils and creams and such..
• if you ever painted his nails, it could only be shades of grey, or just straight black. He would probably wipe or scratch it off throughout the day, especially if an employee asks about it. But usually employees don't question Shredder about his personal life, and for good reason too...
• Even if you yourself aren't a skin care specialist, you would still do a butt ton of research for different products and such, just so you could spend more precious time with Oroku
• Sometimes you two would stay up late and just sit in the bathroom, face masks drying, hair pinned back, chatting. You were quite literally the only one that ever got to see this side of Shredder, not even Karai was this close with him.
• Speaking of Karai, ever since you came into their lives, she was able to sort of bond with Shredder a bit more. She had a much better bond with you though <3
• If Shredder ever got tipsy, or dare I say.. drunk, enough, he might let you do his makeup. He's loosened up a little and doesn't have to worry about being seen. He also appreciates that you don't care about his facial scars.
• he would never let you go full out crazy, like anything goth or drag. But some lip stick and mascara and eyeshadow won't kill him, as long as he trusts you and the both of you are enjoying yourselves.
• if the makeup ever accidentally got left on over night, Shredder would absolutely wake up earlier than you to wash it all off before you could see it.
Does he set extra alarm clocks or something when you're not watching??
• By the way, whenever you and Shredder get to have alone time like this, all of the Foot Clan is notified not to disturb Oroku ever, unless the Turtles or Splinter are literally at his front door step. Absolutely nobody is allowed to catch a glimpse of him like this except for you.
• He's also set clear boundaries with you to keep these personal stories between you, him, and sometimes Karai. This is more about family time - The Foot and your friends don't need to know about the Shredder's personal life.

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